By Matata Mercy 

The act of showing love and appreciation to the woman who is special in your life is important for maintaining strong and healthy relationships. 


Today, I will share with you some meaningful ways that you can use to show appreciation and care to the women that are valuable to you.

1.Complement your woman.

Express your appreciation to your partner whom you want to feel appreciated and cherished by genuinely praising her specifically. 

Let her know that you truly appreciate the little things that she does.

Things like cooking a delicious meal for you or even just being able to offer support for you when you are going through hard times.

2.Help your partner when she is in need.

If you notice that your partner is stressed or overwhelmed, it is best for you to offer to take something off her plate.

 You can decide to volunteer to perform chores that she doesnot like doing for example taking out trash.

3.Spend quality time together.

If you truly love this woman, it would truly be a good idea to take some time off your busy schedule to have some quality time together.

Make an effort to be fully present when you are spending time with your partner. 

Ensure that you avoid multitasking  and give her your undivided attention. 

One thing you can do is to enjoy a nice meal together. 

This meal can be prepared at home or even you can eat out at a fabulous restaurant.

4.Pamper your woman.

Truth betold, women love to be pampered.

Plan a relaxing spa day for her, a day that is complete with massage, facial and other pampering treatments. 

Give her a luxurious bubble bath and then join her for some nice quality couple time.

5.Listen and validate her feelings.

Make your partner feel heard by actively listening when she expresses her thoughts and emotions. 

Avoid dismissing or minimizing her feelings. 

Let her know that you care about her concerns and validate what she is going through. 

6.Surprise her occasionally.

Ensure that you some times surprise your partner with  small and thoughtful gestures like just bringing her favourite snacks or even flowers. 

Plan a fun date night to show her how much you mean to her.

7.Appreciate your partner's personality.

Celebrate your partner's unique personality and also interests. 

You should take sometime off to develop interest in what your partner enjoys doing. 

And in addition, you can also try out new activities together. Show support for her passions and goals.

Good  Luck.😊😊😊👍
