By Matata Mercy 

When I was a kid, I used to think that the best way to  become rich was by earning high salaries but later on in life, after growing up I discovered that I was wrong.

Imagecredit: Unsplash.

 Earning high salaries does not guarantee wealth and if it were so, the richest people would be the highest salary earners but that is not true. 

Later on, after my earlier misconceptions I learnt that  people become wealthy by actually owning things that keep increasing in value year after year. 

The truth is that in order to become wealthy, you need to own something or a part of something that in the modern day is called an equity.

 This could  be in form of real estate, shares or stocks in a company  whose value increase each and every year.

 It doesnot matter what kind of success you would like to achieve, whether you want to acquire abundant wealth, build fulfilling relationships, or build fame or acquire power and status. 

There are rules that you will need to play by to be able to reach your desired goals.

 Today, I will share with you some of the tips that you can use to help you achieve the kind of success that you desire to have in your life.

1.Adopt an independent mentality of thinking.

In this modern society that we live in, we areo expected to do as others. 

Following the paths of others who came before us. We are told to confirm to the status core and nothing else. 

But to be successful in most cases, you will need to think for yourself. Some decisions are best made by yourself. 

Listening to a lot of noise might slow you down and the only way to rise up is to think for yourself make decisions that you think are best for you. 

For example when it comes to choosing a career, most times, parents choose careers for their kids, that is true in the country that I do live in.

 But the best career decision would be made by the kid himself depending on his interests. 

I discovered this late in life through observation that the most successful people around the world love what they do. 

They enjoy what they do. Beyond making money and getting the fame you desire, it is interest and love for the game that will save you.

2. Define what you desire and compound it.

You should ensure that you are adding more zeros to what you define as your success. 

This could be adding more zeros to your net worth, fame or relationships.

 The truth is that everything that you do does compound.

 Now what matters most is the sense of direction towards which things will compound. 

For example if you have 100,000 dollars, this could either end up becoming a million dollars in a few years if you invest it or you could end up with zero dollars if you spend it.

 Using the power of compound interest is very essential in achieving success.

 That's why it is claimed that Albert Einstein said that compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world.

 The most successful people in the world make compound interest work in their favour and not against them. 

If you make compound interest work in your favour whether in your net worth, relationships or health. 

As time passes, you will be successful in your desired direction.

3.Think long-term.

In this digital age where everything is instant, it can be very difficult to adopt a kind of mindset that looks beyond what is there today. 

We buy everything we need on Amazon just by a click of a button and a few minutes later, it has arrived. 

We chat with distant friends on WhatsApp or X formerly Twitter. 

In the words of Bill Gates, people over estimate what they can do in a year and under estimate what they can do in a decade.

 In order to be successful in any endeavour, you will need to adopt a mindset of thinking long term. Whether it is in business,  relationships or health.

 For the case of a business,  in the first year the business is just starting off and may be beginning to build a customer base. 

This usually takes time. The best years of a business are usually five or six years ahead. 

This will require some patience but in this life there are no free lunches, everything has a price.

 I hope these tips will help you to achieve success in your desired path. 

Good luck.👋👋👋
