By Matata Mercy 

Life is a journey and it is important to learn from the people around us just by observing them.

Imagecredit:Stoic photo.

 Through observation, we are able to see their mistakes and also see the things that they have done well.

 Through observation, we are able to shorten our learning curve by great number of years and this could be 10 or 20 years. 

This is simply because we are able to avoid the mistakes that the people that came before us made. 

Today, I would like to share with you some of the lessons that men out there should learn early in life.

1.Happiness is a choice.

Most people have the belief that having lots of possessions will bring happiness into their lives but this is actually a very big lie.

 Contrary to that these possessions might just add more misery into your life.

 Picture this scenario, you are at a garage on a Sunday afternoon trying to fix your car that has broken down yet if you didn't own a car, that Sunday afternoon could be spent at the beach swimming or hanging out with your girlfriend. 

The possession in this case the car is making you miserable instead of bringing joy into your life. You control your happiness by controlling your mindset. 

Some people try to derive happiness from relationships that they are involved and this is a great mistake. Your happiness should not depend on anyone else but you.

2.Nothing is permanent.

While we are here, we should remember that nothing is permanent.

 The good times that we share will not last forever and neither will the bad times that we go through.

 We need to learn to control our emotions as we go through these times and know that things will never be the same some day.

 Therefore, we just need to be ready for that day when change sets in.

3.Take risks.

No one has ever achieved something remarkable without taking any risk.

 All the successful people we know have some how taken risks in order to achieve the goals and dreams that they have been able to achieve.

 Therefore, all the successful take action towards their goals and dreams.

 For example you want to get a wife, you will need to start a conversation with the woman that you admire. 

And remember, the biggest risk in life that you can take is not taking any risk.

4. Live in the moment.

In the modern world that we live in today, we worry too much about the future that we forget to live our life today.

 Most people are trapped in their minds about how life will evolve for them five years from now while others are wishing that the old good days could return back again.

 And for these people, they are trapped in the past. The truth is that the good old days they wish for will never come back again.

 All they need to do right now, is to focus on the present moment which is now.

 In order to live your life to the fullest, you need to focus on the present forget the past and the future. 

Smell the flowers of today and enjoy the cup of coffee that you are taking right now.

5.Accept what you cannot control.

As humans, we would love to control each and everything that happens to us. But the truth is that we are all weak. 

We cannot control everything that happens to us. We must learn to accept the things that happen to us especially the ones that we cannot control. 

If we can just take the serenity prayer by heart that says, Lord give us the courage to accept the things that we cannot control and be at peace with them.

 I hope these tips will help you to shape your life as a man and become a success by achieving your dreams, thank you.Good luck.
