By Matata Mercy

Desires are one of the components of a human being and to be true to ourselves as humans, we all have what we crave. 

Imagecredit: Art by Kolongibraidwith.

Our desires live within us and the people around us might not be aware of it.

 These desires are only manifested when we start taking action towards them.

 For example when you desire eat some cake for breakfast, no one around you will know that you want to have some cake. 

Your desire will only be known when you pick up a piece of cake and take a bite. There are some desires which are easy to fulfill.

 Without any shame, guilt or fear you can just fulfill them as quickly as you want and you will receive no judgement from society or your friends and family.

 There is no shame in eating a piece of cake, drinking water when you are thirsty or watching a movie on Netflix when you feel like it. It is easy and doable. 

But on the other side,there are desires that are hard to fulfill simply because they come with a lot of judgement and criticism. 

For example if you desire to have sex with a prostitute and you truly want to fulfill that desire it will be difficult for you to seek that fulfillment because of the criticism and judgement that you will receive. What will people say? 

That Mr. X is sleeping with prostitutes when he attends church services every Sunday. 

He claims to be holy but is always looking inside the pants of prostitutes.

 What will your family say if you want to have a threesome? Threesome meaning having sex with two women at the same time.

 Some will call you a sex addict or even a pervert for trying to fulfill your desire. 

But if you honestly ask the question, what is wrong with a man fulfilling his sexual desires?

 In my own knowledge, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Enjoying sex is not wrong at least even the holy books are in agreement to that. 

So now what do you do when you have a burning desire to have a threesome and you are gripped by the fear of being judged falsely and criticized for trying to bring your hidden desires to life? 

Will you surrender to the criticism and judgement of others when you have burning desires to fulfill or will you go ahead and do what is in your power to fulfill those hidden desires?

 What is holding you back from pursuing your desires?

 It could be the fear of what people will say but I tell you the truth, what people say does not matter. 

What actually matters is whether you get to fulfill your desire? 

When you leave fear, shame and all the name calling behind, the other side will always be better. 

The other side where you are courageous enough to pursue your desires is filled with lots of joy, love and satisfaction. 

When you fulfill your desires, you will feel a sense of contentment and joy within you. 

At least at the end of your life you will feel that you gathered the courage to fulfill your innermost desires. 

So I urge you to summon the courage and power to fulfill your innermost desires be it having a threesome or massage with two women, do it.  

If it doesn't turn out well, at least you removed the lingering thought about it.Good luck.🌞🌞
