By Matata Mercy 

In this modern world that we live in, we are constantly being told what to do, how to live our lives and be like others.

Imagecredit:Make your own path.

 From the posts on social media to the things we see happening around us, we are supposed to do things like other people.

 When all this noise sinks into our brains through our ears, it can be very difficult for us to sit quietly in a calm place and think exactly about what we actually want for ourselves as individuals.

 We might all be humans but I do believe that each and everyone of us has goals and aspirations that we would love to achieve or accomplish in our life time on earth.

 The things that could determine our success in our aspirations are basically two, one is internal orientation and the other is external orientation.

 The external orientations are the things that people expect of us. 

This could be the expectations of your parents or friends and other close relatives. The things that people think you can do and cannot do.

 If you pay close attention to these external orientations, you are going to break down and then you will fail to accomplish anything worthwhile.

 All these things that people are saying will make you have bad thoughts about your abilities and your performance will deteriorate in whatever stuff that you would like to accomplish.

 On the other hand if you focus on your internal orientations, you could decide to choose to do the things that you want to achieve without anyone deciding your fate.

 If you believe in your abilities and you know what you want, and you are focused on achieving these goals, it is possible for you to do it. 

The truth is you know yourself better and understand your abilities well. 

What you desire to achieve is for your own consumption,whatever people say is rubbish. 

At the end of the day, you are the master of your destiny. So forget about the external orientations of what people expect of you.

 They will say you are supposed to be a doctor or lawyer or engineer.

 But the biggest question is what do you want to do with your life? 

The answer to this question can only come from you and only you, no one else.

 Therefore, embrace your internal orientations like your passions, desires, abilities, goals and ignore the external orientations like pursuing other people's expectations and trying to be like others. 

Be strong and orient yourself internally.

 Good luck.👋👋👋
