By Matata Mercy

Recently a friend of mine asked me how he could stop majoring in minor issues. 

He told me that at the end of each and everyday, he feels like he has accomplished less than he actually wanted to. 

He was always feeling overwhelmed and stressed. 

And he confined in me that in years to come, he will regret and be disappointed with himself if he doesnot act appropriately. 

So I had to help him. So today, I will share with you some tips on how to stop majoring on minor things.

1.Focus on relationships.

Truth betold, you  can never achieve much without building strong and helpful relationships. 

In the world that we live in, we all need each other. 

I need you, you need me and we all need other people around us. No man is an island. 

When you focus on strong and helpful relationships, you will easily progress in life towards your dreams. 

So cultivate strong and helpful relationships.

2.Never stop learning.

In order for any human being to focus on major things, that human being needs to keep learning and acquiring new skills.

 In this modern society, things keep changing and new technologies come up. 

And therefore in order not to be left behind, we need to embrace it. 

Recently a company called Open AI released a new chatbot tool called ChatGPT that has the ability to write articles, answer questions and even create images. 

This shows clearly what AI is able to do. 

And therefore it would be vital for us to keep track of these new technologies.

3. Focus on Priorities.

If you want to do major things in life, you will need to know what your true priorities. 

If you are clear on the things that you want to accomplish, then ensure that these things are worked on. 

For example if you want to have a fruitful day, you need to point out the things you need to do. 

 Like write an article for your blog, record music and also  paint. 

May be it could be spending time with your loved ones and friends. 

I hope these tips will help you focus on the most important things in your life, the major things. Good luck.
