By Matata Mercy

Have you ever been in a situation where you fail to choose what to do? I know you have. 

You have many options to choose from. 

You do not know what is right or wrong? Yes, I have been there. It is called decision making. 

1.Have a clear mind.

When you are stuck and your mind is restless,it will be tough for you to make a decision. 

First things first,you have to make sure that you have a clear mind. No distractions.

With a clear state of mind, it will be very easy for you to choose and make a decision. 

You cannot guarantee that you will make the right decision. 

The decision you have made might not be the right one but atleast you will have made a choice. 

After making that decision, you are already one step ahead of others. The truth is that no one knows what the right decision is. 

The only way to find out what the right decision is,is to choose one and see where it leads.

 If you discover that you have taken a wrong path, you can always go back and make another decision.

 You should be able to repeat this cycle of decision making until you find the path that gives you the results that you desire. 

Do you know that more is lost with indecision than with making the wrong decision. 

Indecision is the thief of opportunity, it will steal you blind.

2.Stop overthinking

Whenever we find ourselves thinking too much,it is simply because we believe that we can solve the uncertainty surrounding our decision making. 

Thinking can be helpful but it cannot help when fear is involved. 

Another approach that can work properly is to choose from the heart. 

Choosing from the heart simply means that you trust that everything will be okay.

 For example this morning I was thinking whether I should write or I should go for a run.

 I decided to choose from my heart since both activities are important to me. I chose to write and I knew it would all turn out well.

3. Trust yourself. 

Sometimes we find ourselves thinking and thinking. 

We over work our brains and drain it off of it's power. 

Yet there is one thing that we could do to get ourselves up and running. That is just by trusting ourselves.

4.Accept that you are learning.

The burden of worrying all the time whether we are right or wrong when making decisions will be long gone,if we do one thing.

 Accepting that we are in the process of learning. 

Allowing ourselves to make mistakes and then learning from them.

 I hope these tips help you to make decisions quickly. Good luck.👉👈
