By Matata Mercy

When you start talking to a woman whom you are interested in, with time when she gets interested in you, she will do certain things. 

Some of the things that she does, she will do them unknowingly and others she will do them intentionally. 

A woman will do these things to test you whether you are fit to be her lover. 

How do women test men? 

Today, i will share with you some tips on how women test men and how to pass those tests.


One way a woman will test you is to play hard to get, she will act like she doesnot like you or is not interested in you. 

The best way to sort this is to act like you are not interested in her, she will become interested in you more. 

Tease her by telling her that the guy sitted over  there will make a good husband for her but not you.

2.The leadership test 

When you are getting into a relationship with a woman, most times women will not want to take charge of the  relationship and instead leave the responsibility to the man. 

As a man you need to take charge of the relationship. If you ask a woman, do you love me? 

She will most likely tell you to give her time to think about it.

 You as a man should decide where to go with the relationship.

3.Compliance test 

Most women will carry out the compliance test to find out if you are too nice to be with. 

For example, she can continously ask you for money even when  she is aware that she actually doesnot need that money.

 If you give her that money, she will  lose interest in you. 

But if you say no, she will be attracted to you more.

 I hope these tips help you to pass a woman's test. Good luck.
