By Matata Mercy

On New year's eve, a friend of mine confessed to me that he was very unhappy and had loads of debt on his neck. 

When i asked him where his unhappiness originated from? 

He told me that all along he thought that the stuff that he had would bring happiness in his life but actually it never did. 

He told me that when he was very fresh out of university, he dreamt of owning a house, car and as  many clothes as he could. 

But as soon as he got a job, he bought his first car,a  rav4.

 He later on rented his first house and bought a couple of clothes. 

You would think he arrived and is contented with what he has but not.

He told me that as soon as he got his first car, the excitement was shortlived. 

Some one could ask, what else did he want? He now wanted a better car. 

Not that his car was old or in a dangerous mechanical condition. 

He just felt that his old car was below his living standard and he needed a new car that fits his standard, a mercedes benz. 

He also by now felt disatisfied with where he was living and he needed a new house, bigger in size and enough to accomodate his growing taste for stuff.

 His monthly bills were skyrocketing and he was now living paycheck to paycheck. 

His appetite for things did not end here, he bought pay tv, the latest gadgets like the latest iphone.

 He wore high class fashion brands like Louis Vouitton, Dolce and Gabbana.

With time he started borrowing money from friends and family, and financial institutions to maintain his appetite for stuff. 

When he spoke to me on new year's eve, he was broke and very deep in debt. 

Although, he was earning a high salary his bank account was empty. What went wrong?

 Today i will share with you some tips on how to avoid becoming like this friend of mine. 

Here are tips that can help you escape materialism and it's consequences.

1.Spend less than you earn

One way of escaping the consequences of materialism is to spend less than you earn. 

If you spend less, you will have extra money left that you can save for a rainy day or money that you can invest to help you make more money.

2.Buy only the things you need that you will use.

Yes, one way of escaping the consequences of materialism is to ensure that you only buy things that you need. 

Things which you are going to use. 

Buying stuff you do not need or use will only occupy space in your home or apartment for nothing. 

Materialism will make your life miserable, taking care of all that stuff will take your time and money. 

In order to gain your freedom, give out or sell off stuff you do not use. 

I hope these tips help you. Good luck.
