By Matata Mercy

Have you ever been dumped by someone this could be your girlfriend with whom you have been in love for years. 

And all of a sudden the storm sets in and the relationship has ended.How do you recover from that.

Today i will give you some tips on how to recover when you are heart broken.

1.Allow yourself to feel the pain.

When you are heartbroken it is painful. It is okay to  allow the emotions of loss to act. 

Allow the tears to flow down your face. You will feel better afterwards.

2.Don't become the broken heart.

Yes it is okay to feel the emotions of pain. 

But you have to move on with your life. Focus on your career.

Start that business, write that book, compose and record that song. 

Do things that give meaning  to your life. You will feel better.

3.Don't call that woman.

You have broken up and  it has ended. 

Calling her will bring back the good old days and it will make you feel worse. 

I hope these tips will help you recover from the pain of heart break. Good luck.
