By Matata Mercy

Many friends of mine have been inspired by the rise of companies like Facebook, Google, Amazon.

Most of them apparently want to start companies and i could say they have probably been seduced by the billions of dollars that these companies have been making. But is it as easy as it appears? 

Not so. It is not as easy, infact you will need to put in alot of effort and sacrifice alot to come up with something that is worth a billion dollars. 

What i know is that successful founders do not start companies for the sake of making money, to become famous, or because it is the coolest thing happening now. 

The real reason successful founders start companies is because they see a problem that they want to solve. 

They are passionate about solving the problem. 

Mark Zuckerberg wanted to interact with other college kids online so he created Facebook. 

This later expanded all over the world. 

Larry Page and Sergy Brin wanted to organise the world's information,so they created a pageranking system that later became Google.

So if you are going to build the next Facebook you will need to identify a problem that you can solve properly. 

I know it will be difficult but you will need to start small. 

Solve the small problem first,get users for the product and then learn from the users what to do and then expand. 

That is how Amazon started,by just selling books.

It started small and people underestimated Jeff Bezos. 

He got users for his small website and later he expanded the company. 

The last advice i can give when you are building the next Facebook is to never give up. 

It is going to be tough, you will feel like throwing in the towel. 

The people who build successful companies don't give up. 

Build the next Facebook and never,ever give up.
