By Matata Mercy 

Recently i was sitting infront of the television set on a monday night at around 9pm,when i started having thoughts about how much time i was wasting watching  news each and every night. 

What value was this news adding to me anyway? I remember asking myself this thought provoking question. 

May be am not alone, may be there are other people out there who have the same thought but are afraid to express themselves or even take action. 

I do believe we waste alot of time watching news yet we get nothing of  value out of it. 

If i could ask  you  a simple question just to be curious how much money have you earned since you started watching news,zero dollars.

 Yes am  sure you have not earned any single coin or penny from this habit. 

Then why are you still religiously showing up for the news? 

Someone might say that you want to keep up to date with what is happening around you. 

That could be a valid reason as to why you watch news. But is all news important and helpful to you? 

I don't think so.Why  watch sports news when you do not enjoy any sports activities?

 Today the world is talking about the war between Russia and Ukraine. 

If you live in Uganda how will the news about Russia and Ukraine war  be of help to you? 

How will this war affect you? The effect will be minimal, if at all it is there. In other wards, you do not need to watch news. 

One thing you should know is  that the media thrives on instilling fear. 

That is the sole reason why the news on television is always negative. 

You will watch news about wars and rarely do you watch news about an entrepreneur who has built a successful company.

What if you used that time to do something valuable for yourself? 

For example instead of watching news you could use that time to work on your side project or spend some time with your family or friends.

I was also seduced by the news habit and was always watching the news and even blogging about it. 

Then i realised i was not adding value to my readers so i stopped blogging news. 

Instead am now writing personal development articles to inspire and empower readers of my blog to achieve their goals.

 You can substitute the news time with something worth doing. Good luck.
