By Matata Mercy

Many men out there struggle with talking to women. Just saying hi to a woman can bring goose pimples to some men who are shy.

 So what does it take to have a very good conversation with a woman?

 Having a good conversation not only with the woman you desire but with anyone will take some practice and also some little courage most especially if you are going to approach strangers. 

But today i will focus mostly on women. Yes, you are attracted to this woman and you want to make her yours and the only way to do that is to express your feelings to her and the only way to express your feelings is to talk to that woman. 

So how do you start a conversation with the woman you desire if you are meeting her for the first time? 

Today i will give you some tips on how to start a conversation with the woman you desire.

1. Ask for direction

Just imagine you are at a party and you come across this beautiful woman who sweeps you off your feet and your heart beat stops. How do you start a conversation with this woman? 

Well one tip you can use is to ak for direction. You could ask her where the rest room is even if you actually know where it is. 

Your intention is not actually to go and ease yourself but to get the conversation started with this woman. If she shows you where the rest room is boom, you are on the right path. 

Go to the rest room and spend a few minutes and come back to her.

  If she directs you and you do not go there, she will know that you were only asking her to have a chance to talk to her but if you actually go there, she will know that you genuinely wanted to be directed. 

After visting the restroom come back to her and ak how she knows the host of the party. I think you now get the idea. 

You have now built some form of rapport with this woman already. you can even get her number there and then.

2. Talk about her dresscode

 You have found this beautiful woman at a shopping mall and she is wearing this nice dress. 

And you are already interested in her, what do you do?  Just tell her that you like her dress and then you can ask her where she got it from or who designed it for her?

 Now you are already having a conversation with this beautiful woman. 

3. Talk about her accessories.

Let's say you have seen this woman and you do not know what to tell her but you have seen her wearing a necklace that looks nice. Let her know that you like her necklace. 

Tell her you like her necklace and follow up with other questions like where she got it from. 

 If she really is interested in talking to you, she will volunteer to tell you everything she knows about it. You could also end up lucky by walking away with her number.

4. Ask her what she is eating

Assuming you are at a restaurant and you have seen this woman, the beautiful one who has caught your eye. 

Ask her what is on her plate? 

She will tell you what it is and if she loves your company, she might even tell you to try out the food that she is having. 

I have used this technique in resturants and managed to walk away with numbers. 

I hope this tips will help you as you try to build rlationships with women. Good luck.
