By Matata Mercy

How many times have you wanted to do something and you failed to do it. You might have wanted to wake up early but every time the alarm clock sounds, you switch it off. 

You bring up excuses that it is too cold, you need more sleep. Or you want to start a business but you give excuses that the market is not right.  

You want to quit your job but you cannot.

 You want to work on that project but it has stalled. The truth is that we know what to do when we are stuck. If you want to wake up early, you know that you will need to jump out of bed. 

 If you are looking for a job, you will need to apply for a job, you know that. 

 But we always give ourselves excuses and stop taking action towards our goals.

 Today i will share with you a simple technique called the 5 second rule that you can use to make all the things you want to achieve to happen in your life one at a time. 

One motivational speaker called Mel Robbins has given a simple technique called the 5 second rule that you can use to make things happen in your life.  

Take for example, if you want to wake up in the morning early and it is  already morning and you are still in bed, all you need to do is count from 5 to 1 and jump out of bed. You do this for any other thing you want to change in your life. 

 What happens if you don't jump out of bed, you will give excuses.  If you want to talk to a woman that you are attracted to but you are afraid that she will reject you, just count 5, 4, 3, 2,1. 

And then say hi to her and start a conversation with her. If you want to sell something to a potential client but you are afraid of being rejected, just count 5 to 1 and start pitching your product. 

This technique will guarantee you results.

 You might get negative results in the short while but if you keep at it, you will eventually get the results that you desire.

Whenever you want to do something just count 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Then do it. Good luck.
