By Matata Mercy

Ideas and dreams come to us often but how often do we take action to bring these ideas and dreams to reality? 

Today i would like to challenge you to say YES to your dreams and ideas that keep floating on your head all the time.

 I challenge you to stand up to the fear that is holding you hostage and preventing you from  achieving your dreams and also pursuing that brilliant idea that you do have. 

Convince yourself that you can do it. That you can rise to the occasion even when it looks like a mountain to climb.  Start and you will learn along the way. 

When you start, along the way you will find the help that you need. If a friend asks you to start a business with her, i urge you  to go forth and say YES to the idea. 

By saying yes, you are inviting the blessings that come along with starting the business. 

Do whatever you possibly can because along the way momentum will hit you and the business idea might grow and open up doors for other opportunities.  

May you use fear as your fuel to take action and not as something to push you down. May the voice inside you saying I can do it" be greater and louder than other outside factors that tell you not to pursue the ideas  and dreams. 

May the very idea of starting and finishing that project or idea inspire you and keep you awake in a very good way. 

I urge you therefore to take a chance on you this year in the smallest possible way you can.  Who knows this could be a new beginning to change your life. 

Therefore say YES to ideas and dreams that come to you through friends, family members and even strangers. 

You never know what you could stumble upon.
