By Matata Mercy

 Have you ever reached a point where you said to yourself enough is enough and iam not doing any more of this? And what actions did you take at that time? 

There comes a time your life when you get fed up of whatever situation that you are facing in your life. This could be an abusive relationship that you want to get out of or a boss at your work place that always yelling at you and intimidating you. 

Or it could even be some friends of yours who are always looking down on you and think that you cannot actually amount to anything in life.

 If you are conscious human being, you will reach a point where you will actually say to yourself enough is enough and iam not going to tolerate any of this. 

That is what i call reaching the point of no return. 

Reaching the point of no return will usually happen when something dramatic happens in your life and your old world disappears and fades away and you are introduced into a new reality and you must by all means fumble with. 

When you watch thriller movies or read thriller novels, you discover that there are multiple progressive points of no return where you find out that each of those points creates a deeper level of commitment for the protagonist and increases the level of risk.

 In the movie called Matrix  when Neo swallowed the red pill, he could not go back to his old life. 

The old reality came to an end and his world was now permanently changed forever.

 In the Harry Potter novel, when Harry discovers that he is a wizard, his world is not now the same again and he now must continue to Hogwarts even after going back home, it is no longer the same old status quo. 

Supposing you want an independent lifestyle but you keep showing up to work at a job that you do not like. This is actually your initial status quo. You will probably need a catalyst to destroy that status quo. What are you waiting for? 

Are you waiting for a catalyst to magically show up. Or are you waiting for your cellphone to magically cough up a hologram of Princess Leia? 

These kinds of events will only happen in the movies but in the real world, you will have to wait for years and years  or even decades. 

Are you waiting for a catalyst to show up? or Are you actively looking for one? The best thing you can do for yourself is to create your own catalyst. 

For you to succeed with any powerful personal goal, you will need to accept that your old world must first collapse.

 A real decision is harder than action. Don't wait for an external catalyst to get moving. Create whatever catalyst you need to progress your story.
