By Matata Mercy

What does it mean to live an abundant life? It simply means that you turn your attention towards abundance, appreciation and also gratitude.

 If you want to live a life of abundance then you will need to focus your attention away from scarcity, poverty and lack. 

You should instead turn your attention towards appreciation and gratitude.

 Living a life of abundance means that you forget about lacking anything be it money, time or even love but  start acting as if you do have everything that you ever needed to have in this life.

 Instead of focusing on scarcity and lack you start expressing your creativity. 

You will with time realize that you will become happier and money will come into your life, love will shower you with blessings that it can offer and many more other things that the world can offer in the presence of abundance will come towards you. 

But  when you decide to pay more attention to what you are lacking instead of what you have, then you will realize that you become more stressed, more frustrated and will always be anxious most of the time. 

You will also start experiencing alot of scarcity based experiences for example you might find yourself sinking deeper and deeper into debt.

 The act of being needy all the time will make you lose the things you would have had. Instead of focusing on scarcity, you should instead put your efforts in doing things that you desire to do or things that you actually enjoy doing. 

Your passions and desires that you would love to experience.  Focus on your creative side and try to do the things that you enjoy doing.

 For example instead of getting worried about paying your bills, you could instead turn your attention towards composing a new song  and recording the song and sharing it with others.

 Instead of complaining about not having a job, start a blog and write articles that inspire and motive other people out there or write a book and inspires others out there. 

These are the things you can irrespective of whether you have all the resources or not. You might be unemployed but that does not mean that you cannot write articles or compose a song or start painting.

 If you ignore the scarcity and lack mode and focus your attention towards enjoying life by doing the things that make you happy and more generous, you will learn to live in the abundance mode and with time you will feel adequate within your own skin and live a fulfilling life.

 You might not have enough money to give out but surely you can give out your time to others by volunteering with an organisation that helps those who are physically challenged like a blind, the lame and others out there. 

You can go and take care of the sick at hospitals, teach orphans for free and also give company to the elders who have been left alone. 

All that is generosity and it will build the mode of abundance in your life. If you find yourself stuck in the scarcity mode then it is actually the time for you to move on and start doing something new. 

 Become appreciative of the little things that you can do  like taking long walks, running on the beach, listening to music. 

These things will make you to appreciate life and become more aware of the abundance around you so you do not feel any scarcity. Forget about the scarcity, there is alot of abundance around you.
