By Matata Mercy

Do you know that there are certain habits that separate the rich or wealthy people from the poor? Do you know that most of these habits are actually easy to implement and practice for you to be able to get there? 

 5 Bad Money Habits That Keep You Poor | by Daniel's Brew | Money Clip |  Jan, 2021 | Medium

Today I would like to share with you some of the simple habits that might actually keep you poor if you do not change your behavior.

1. Not taking charge of your time 

The most important resource on earth is actually time. The time that has been lost can never be regained back. The truth is that successful people take charge of their time. 

They ensure that they plan their time out well and distribute this time according to the activities that they want to participate in. 

Successful people ensure that they accomplish more in the available time and therefore they do not waste alot of time on activities that do not add value to them.

2. Staying with wrong groups

Successful people mind about the type of people that they spend their time with. The people you spend your time with will ultimately have alot of influence on you in the long run.

 If you spend alot of time with people who are poor or who do not have any significant goals in life, you will end up just like them. 

Now if you spend time with people who you admire, people who are successful, it will not be long before you acquire their habits and start doing the things that led them to success. 

Just imagine you having breakfast with Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos all in the same place, it can be very inspirational and motivational.

3. Building networks 

Successful people build networks with others. They ensure that they add value to other people who they see are more successful than them and in turn they end up building relationships that last for a long time and are valuable to them

4. Not taking charge of your finances 

If you are the kind of person who is not taking charge of his or her finances, it will be very difficult for you to achieve financial success. 

You should learn to take charge of your finances by learning to save, invest and also run your life like a business by knowing how much money is coming into your account or pocket and also getting out of your pocket.
