By Matata Mercy

 Do you always hesitate when you are supposed to take action?  Or you always try to self censor  when you are supposed to do something? 

Become More Action Oriented Person

May be you have an idea to create something or share some of the works that you have created but you just find yourself talking yourself out of it before you do something tangible about it. 

When you do not take action you will find yourself stuck and you will feel like the world is moving past you  and you are not doing anything tangible to stop it. 

When you do not take action in the long-term you will realize that you will not progress in life and therefore you will not be able to achieve your most desired goals. 

Sometimes you will be pondering whether  it is wise to take action or not but most of the time you will be holding back.

 May be you start taking action but then mid way you undo or delete what you have already done simply because of the voice in your head that keeps telling you these things. 

You don't really need  to share this. This is not actually important.  What if you are wrong? What if this doesn't work out well? 

These are the voices that stop us from doing the things that we are supposed to do and they are called the voices of suppression. 

All of us do have these voices in one degree or another. If we do not train ourselves well enough we will actually end up suppressing too much in our life. 

You will leave a lot of your potential value untapped as a result of too much suppression. It will be very hard for us to improve our results if we are not taking enough action that is inspired. 

It is a good idea to do some self censoring but too much of it especially withholding your tongues will end up strengthening your mental patterns that are related to suppression and in the end this training end up spilling over into other areas of your life.

 When you start suppressing your ideas for self-expression, this kind of behavior will not only be for a few thoughts. 

You will just be training your mind to get better at suppression all around.  This kind of behavior will keep you trapped at a job that you do not like, you will end  up in misaligned relationships and the habits that you do not deserve to have. 

If you are not living an awesome life, then one of the reasons for that could be that you are suppressing yourself too much or censoring yourself too much. How are you going to improve your results when you are holding back so much?

 You may have thoughts of moving on and taking a risk. You may get an idea to stretch yourself and get into what feels more aligned to what you desire but the voice of suppression comes in and talks you out of it.

 And therefore you end up remaining in the same situation and another year just flies by you. The passing of time is not always kind to us when we do alot of suppression.

 The intention of hesitation is to stop us from making mistakes. Hesitation aims to keep us safe. It also tries to reduce the amount of damage that our character takes physically, socially,  and also financially. But mistakes are actually good because mistakes can be used as learning platforms. 

Mistakes are stepping stones for achieving success. You will most likely not succeed unless you are willing to make alot of mistakes. 

The bad side of hesitation is that it will keep you trapped in your comfort zone simply because sticking with the familiar will look to be a safe bet. 

Exploring outside your comfort zone will seem to be risky. Unfortunately, hesitation will lie to you  since it will tempt you with promises of a very safe and comfortable life but the truth is that it will only deliver to you stagnation and decline. 

And this is because while you are standing there doing nothing, the world will be changing  at a faster and faster pace as you continue aging and eventually you will only be left with an impression of having been left behind.

  It is true that you will have indeed fallen behind since this is a world of action. Very many people enter their senior years with alot of regrets about the opportunities that they actually missed. 

This is because they allowed their inspired ideas to just be overruled  just by the voice of suppression.  

You should not allow this to happen to you especially if you are in position to actually prevent it. You should teach yourself to start taking immediate action on ideas that you want to pursue. 

Something interesting happens when you start leaning towards action,  You will start acting on your ideas immediately and faster. You become more creative and the voice of self-expression replaces self suppression. 

You will feel awakened  and also alive. It is very stimulating and fun  if you are able to get the balance right.

 Commit yourself to taking action each and every year and you will not have any regrets in life. Better to fail at doing something  rather than wonder what would have been as you wallow in regrets.
