By Matata Mercy

What kind of music  do you listen to and do you enjoy listening to that kind of music? For my case i do enjoy listening to soul music and some songs from James Blunt.

 How would you feel if someone out there actually switched off your music and left you in absolute boredom and darkness?  I know you would actually get angry at this person. 

While i was still in high school, the school i attended used to organize leaver's party for the students who were completing their years of secondary school education. 

And the music was really what the students loved and enjoy, you would see students grooving to the music and showing off the different dance styles that they had practiced for months as they just waited for the day. 

Now time would come when the DJ would switch off  the music claiming that time was up for the party to come to an end.

 Guess what would happen, the students would start screaming and shouting, begging the DJ to turn on the music again so that they can keep grooving to the melodies that were coming out the song. 

That is the feeling iam talking about. Do not allow your music to be switched off, allow your music to play at all costs. 

Have you ever tried to do something and some one discouraged you from doing it claiming that you are going to fail flat on your stomach?  

I have, many times.When people talk you out of doing things that you want to do, they are stopping your music from playing. 

When you want to start a business and someone tells you that your business will fail, they are stopping your music from playing. 

When you tell your friends that you want to write a novel and all they do is laugh at you and mock you, they are stopping your music from playing. 

When you tell someone that you want to become a music artist and that person tells you that you cannot sing, they are stopping your music from playing. 

You should allow your music to play at all costs. When people tell you that you cannot do something, they are stopping your music from playing, and if they can stop your music from playing then they actually do not care about you. 

It means that they are either envious of you or their own life is boring and miserable and they are finding away of escaping that misery by putting you down.

 Do not allow them to put you down , keep going and doing your thing. If you are into music, keep composing your songs and recording them and putting the songs out there. Do not allow your music to stop. 

If you are an entrepreneur, start that business and allow it to grow. Keep working hard on your business until one day they will believe you and accept that you have the confidence and courage to succeed in business. 

Whatever you are doing keep doing it. Even if you fail, at least you put in your best foot and will also come out with some valuable lessons. You will not have any regrets. 

You will not have thoughts lingering over your head how things would have been if you had done that which you have always wanted to do. 

Allow your music to play, some day you will get fans who will enjoy your music, even if it is just one person, That's enough to give you a smile on your face.
