By Matata Mercy

Are you always finding yourself  running away from so many things that are happening in your life? 

12 Harriet Tubman Quotes to Help You Find the Leader Within

What do you do when you face challenges with the goals that you have set for yourself or you are stuck with the projects that you have been working on each and everyday of your life?  

Do you give up and start something else or you keep fighting on until you are forced to give up. Elon Musk the founder of Tesla Motors and Space X once said that you never give up until you are forced to give up. 

Giving up in this case means that you are already incapacitated and therefore had no other option but to give up. 

You should keep fighting for your dreams and goals, do not be a coward keep moving forward even if you are moving at a slow pace like a Snail. 

Better to move at a slow pace than no progress. Being a fugitive means that you will run away when you face some form of set back. 

The only way to avoid being a fugitive is to become brave, do it even if you are at your highest level of fear. 

When you face your fears, you will feel okay even if things don't work out because you will not have any regrets. 

Do it so that you will not ask yourself why you did not do it when you actually had the time and opportunity. 

I therefore urge you to do whatever is humanly possible before you so that you can be able to achieve your goals and fulfill your passions.
