By Matata Mercy
Most of us would love to be liked by people out there. There is nothing wrong with you wanting to be liked by people out there and it is absolutely healthy.

Everyone of us will always seek some form of validation from others.
The only problem with this is that it will in the longrun become a necessity that you cannot live without.
You should ensure that the course of your life is not dictated by what others think about you or their approval.
You should not actually lose sleep over the opinions of other people. If you are out there struggling with the need to be liked, then there are a few other things that you could do to help you to start focusing on the things that matter the most.
1. Keep yourself busy
When you are idle for some good period of time, your thoughts will start drifting towards the thoughts that are unpleasant.
Like the aspect of worrying too much about other people's thoughts about you. But it is very possible to divert your mind away from those thoughts by just keeping busy and not giving room to any of those thoughts.
You can have a healthy distraction by reading an interesting book,or pursuing your passions like recording music or creating art.
It will become very hard for you to think about what other people are thinking about you when you are well occupied.
2. Stop judging other people
If you judge other people in a harsh way, you will be feeling very insecure about how others do feel about you.
Iam not trying to say that you should like each and everyone but the truth is that if you are too critical of other people it will just make you think that other people are having the same thoughts about you.
You will have a peace of mind when you do not critically judge others.
3. Be at peace with yourself
When you are at peace with yourself, you will not need any kind of external validation from anyone. Practicing self-acceptance will build your confidence and you will not have the need to be liked.
You can be able to find some inner peace if you take pride in your strengths and also being able to forgive yourself for the weaknesses that you do have.
If you accept and love yourself, you will be more at peace and also be more fulfilled.
4. Be realistic
The reality is that not everyone in the world will love you.But there are so many people in this world who would love to be with you and are very ready to share some good time with you and also learn from you.
When you accept that reality, you will be at peace with yourself and you will also be happy with yourself. And you will not need to seek for the approval of others out there.
With these tips, i urge you to spend less time worrying about what others are thinking about you and more time doing the things you love to do and the things that matter to you.
Most of us would love to be liked by people out there. There is nothing wrong with you wanting to be liked by people out there and it is absolutely healthy.
Everyone of us will always seek some form of validation from others.
The only problem with this is that it will in the longrun become a necessity that you cannot live without.
You should ensure that the course of your life is not dictated by what others think about you or their approval.
You should not actually lose sleep over the opinions of other people. If you are out there struggling with the need to be liked, then there are a few other things that you could do to help you to start focusing on the things that matter the most.
1. Keep yourself busy
When you are idle for some good period of time, your thoughts will start drifting towards the thoughts that are unpleasant.
Like the aspect of worrying too much about other people's thoughts about you. But it is very possible to divert your mind away from those thoughts by just keeping busy and not giving room to any of those thoughts.
You can have a healthy distraction by reading an interesting book,or pursuing your passions like recording music or creating art.
It will become very hard for you to think about what other people are thinking about you when you are well occupied.
2. Stop judging other people
If you judge other people in a harsh way, you will be feeling very insecure about how others do feel about you.
Iam not trying to say that you should like each and everyone but the truth is that if you are too critical of other people it will just make you think that other people are having the same thoughts about you.
You will have a peace of mind when you do not critically judge others.
3. Be at peace with yourself
When you are at peace with yourself, you will not need any kind of external validation from anyone. Practicing self-acceptance will build your confidence and you will not have the need to be liked.
You can be able to find some inner peace if you take pride in your strengths and also being able to forgive yourself for the weaknesses that you do have.
If you accept and love yourself, you will be more at peace and also be more fulfilled.
4. Be realistic
The reality is that not everyone in the world will love you.But there are so many people in this world who would love to be with you and are very ready to share some good time with you and also learn from you.
When you accept that reality, you will be at peace with yourself and you will also be happy with yourself. And you will not need to seek for the approval of others out there.
With these tips, i urge you to spend less time worrying about what others are thinking about you and more time doing the things you love to do and the things that matter to you.
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