By Matata Mercy

Failing forward is the best way to progress in life. You can use failure as a tool for your own personal growth and progress in life.

Failing Forward Summary - Four Minute Books

Failing forward means that you learn from your mistakes and then keep moving foward towards your goals and dreams each and every time.

Here are some tips on how you can be able to fail foward.

1. Find out the possible challenges

Being able to figure out the possible challenges and setbacks that you will encounter as you move towards your goals and dreams will help you along the way.

The truth is that when you start thinking about success, negativity will most likely creep into your life and become a challenge that will try to assault your mind.

You will have thoughts like What if I fail? What i do not make it to the end?  Sit down and write down a list of all the things that could make you fail. Write them down inside a journal.

After you are done, you will be having a potential list of the things that could limit your success.Look at each of these things one at a time and find out the best ways in which you can be able to deal with them.

Put your plan in action and then attack each limitation until you have been able to clear all of them and you will be able to achieve your next level of success.

2. Create a strategy

What strategy or techniques are you going to use to achieve success? When you keep aiming at a goal and you find yourself failing each and every time, stop thinking like you are failure.  Instead you should assess and also be able to change your strategy.

You should not change your goals, all you need to change is your approach.

You should figure out what you are missing and then try to design a system that will help you to avoid future mistakes.

Find someone whom you can be accountable to and discuss the ideas and strategies that you could use.

Put atleast 10 to 15 hours of your time to help refine your strategy. Surround yourself with positive people so that you can continue thinking positively.

3. Keep learning

If you are able to do research about what lies ahead of you before actually getting there, then that will be great.

You should find out if someone else has actually done what you are seeking to do and you will be able to learn from that person's experience.

How did they manage to face the failure that they encountered along the way? You should be able to equip yourself to overcome the challenges when they do arise along the way.

4. Live life without regrets

It will be a very bad experience leaving the planet earth regretting that you did not  give it your best shot. You should value each day and refuse to live your life by default but by your own design.

 You should manage your time effectively and then ensure that you live every second of your life deliberately.

Pursue your goals and take calculated risks while knowing that every risk comes with failure. Remember that you cannot become successful without taking any risk.

Above all, maintain a positive attitude. Your attitude will determine your outcome. You should not allow life to happen to you.

Keep moving, don't stop. Celebrate each and every little achievement. Fail foward and fail fast.
