By Matata Mercy
Have you ever been in a situation where you have no money in your pocket and your bank account is virtually empty but you have bills to pay and you do not know what to do?

I have been there before and i do know how it actually feels.
Finding yourself very deep in debt is not a very good feeling since it will leave you feeling stressed and worried all the time.
Knowing any time the people who are demanding you will show up at your doorstep is not a very goo experience.

For the case of the corporations, they will keep sending you emails and calling you as they remind you that you are supposed to pay your bills.
So how do you survive when you are very deep in debt and you are helpless like a rat that has fallen into a very dip pit.
I was once in that situation, I remember back in the year 2017, i had not paid my water bills and the employees at the National Water and Sewerage Corporation brought a bill that was almost reaching a million shillings and i barely had a penny to give them.
It was a very bad experience, after seeing the bill, the following days and weeks i was literally living in fear and was always alert on who was actually knocking at the gate of my house.
During the day time, i would lock up the gate and stay indoors fearing that the employees of the company that i owed would show up and cut off the water supply from my home.
I was playing the cat and mouse game with the water people after failing to pay their bills for several months having lost my job.
Then one day on a Sunday morning i go out thinking that it was a weekend that these people were also enjoying the weekend and i leave the gate open.
I had gone to get some eats for breakfast and coming back i found two of the water employees inside my premises acompanied by some men who were armed, i suppose the police.
I was powerless, and it was too late they had already gained access into my home and i could not resist what i have always feared , having no water at my home. I watched as the water employees mercilessly disconnected my water supply while guns pointed at me.
The unthinkable had happened and i was finally cooked. I was given two weeks to pay up the amount i owed or else risk arrest.
Those two weeks were one of the worst days of my life, i was leaving in fear dreading arrest and prison life.
I decided to disappear and change my premises told my landlord i would come back, since i had paid his rent arrears in advance be believed me.
I was willing to lose my comfortable home to gain my freedom from being chained under the powers of debt. Till today, they are still looking for me and i do not know whether the landlord paid up those outstanding bills or even got new tenants who later paid it.
If you are reading this do not tell them where iam. Surviving while in debt is hard, some times you will need to do whatever it takes to get out of that stress. Some people will instead borrow more money to help pay off their debts and this method doesnot actually work.
That is simply like continuing to dig while you are already in the pit and you are helpless and cannot get yourself out.
A better way would be for you to declare bankrupcy so that the people running after you will stop chasing you knowing that you are perpetually broke like a church mouse.
From my own experience, it is better to be broke and free than to be very deep in debt and always running around and feeling uneasy and always suspicious. Trust me, i know what it means and i have been there, it is not a cool place to be.
You can be broke and still enjoy a walk in the park without someone pointing a gun at you, You can be broke and still write like i do.
You can be broke and create art, sing and do many other things. Money should not control you and you should not give your power to it.
Better to survive on water and groundnuts than eat chicken and other nice foods with borrowed money while you are deep in debt.
I urge you to do whatever is possible to keep out of debt. If you are broke, use your time to work on your creativity like creating art, recording music even if you do not have money to record you could just sing.
Along the way, people who appreciate your work will most likely start paying you and you will be able to meet your needs.
You need to have a strong heart if you are going to survive debt, resist the pressure of bing pushed to get yourself more into debt better to be kicked out of an apartment and sleep on the streets than live in fear all the time.
Have you ever been in a situation where you have no money in your pocket and your bank account is virtually empty but you have bills to pay and you do not know what to do?
I have been there before and i do know how it actually feels.
Finding yourself very deep in debt is not a very good feeling since it will leave you feeling stressed and worried all the time.
Knowing any time the people who are demanding you will show up at your doorstep is not a very goo experience.
For the case of the corporations, they will keep sending you emails and calling you as they remind you that you are supposed to pay your bills.
So how do you survive when you are very deep in debt and you are helpless like a rat that has fallen into a very dip pit.
I was once in that situation, I remember back in the year 2017, i had not paid my water bills and the employees at the National Water and Sewerage Corporation brought a bill that was almost reaching a million shillings and i barely had a penny to give them.
It was a very bad experience, after seeing the bill, the following days and weeks i was literally living in fear and was always alert on who was actually knocking at the gate of my house.
During the day time, i would lock up the gate and stay indoors fearing that the employees of the company that i owed would show up and cut off the water supply from my home.
I was playing the cat and mouse game with the water people after failing to pay their bills for several months having lost my job.
Then one day on a Sunday morning i go out thinking that it was a weekend that these people were also enjoying the weekend and i leave the gate open.
I had gone to get some eats for breakfast and coming back i found two of the water employees inside my premises acompanied by some men who were armed, i suppose the police.
I was powerless, and it was too late they had already gained access into my home and i could not resist what i have always feared , having no water at my home. I watched as the water employees mercilessly disconnected my water supply while guns pointed at me.
The unthinkable had happened and i was finally cooked. I was given two weeks to pay up the amount i owed or else risk arrest.
Those two weeks were one of the worst days of my life, i was leaving in fear dreading arrest and prison life.
I decided to disappear and change my premises told my landlord i would come back, since i had paid his rent arrears in advance be believed me.
I was willing to lose my comfortable home to gain my freedom from being chained under the powers of debt. Till today, they are still looking for me and i do not know whether the landlord paid up those outstanding bills or even got new tenants who later paid it.
If you are reading this do not tell them where iam. Surviving while in debt is hard, some times you will need to do whatever it takes to get out of that stress. Some people will instead borrow more money to help pay off their debts and this method doesnot actually work.
That is simply like continuing to dig while you are already in the pit and you are helpless and cannot get yourself out.
A better way would be for you to declare bankrupcy so that the people running after you will stop chasing you knowing that you are perpetually broke like a church mouse.
From my own experience, it is better to be broke and free than to be very deep in debt and always running around and feeling uneasy and always suspicious. Trust me, i know what it means and i have been there, it is not a cool place to be.
You can be broke and still enjoy a walk in the park without someone pointing a gun at you, You can be broke and still write like i do.
You can be broke and create art, sing and do many other things. Money should not control you and you should not give your power to it.
Better to survive on water and groundnuts than eat chicken and other nice foods with borrowed money while you are deep in debt.
I urge you to do whatever is possible to keep out of debt. If you are broke, use your time to work on your creativity like creating art, recording music even if you do not have money to record you could just sing.
Along the way, people who appreciate your work will most likely start paying you and you will be able to meet your needs.
You need to have a strong heart if you are going to survive debt, resist the pressure of bing pushed to get yourself more into debt better to be kicked out of an apartment and sleep on the streets than live in fear all the time.
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