Sheila Nduhukire is a Ugandan female journalist and television personality who is  currently one of the top news anchors on television that people look up to and who is popularly known for her in depth knowledge on the subjects that she discusses with her guests.

Sheila Nduhukire 🇺🇬 (@Snduhukire) | Twitter

 Sheila Nduhukire was born in the western region of Uganda  into a religious family and her father is a Bishop who is called Steven Namanya of the North Ankole diocese.

Sheila Nduhukire was the first child of the family and as a result of this she has always taken herself to be the leader within the family.

 After completing her primary and secondary school education, Sheila Nduhukire joined Mbarara University where she contested and won the elections to become the guild president of the University.

After completing her University education, she got a job with RedPepper newspaper based in Mbarara district and she worked as a reporter for the company.

After working at RedPepper for sometime, Sheila Nduhukire landed a job with the Daily Monitor newspaper as a reporter and while there she worked as a freelance journalist for about two years at the company.

While working at Monitor publications, Sheila Nduhukire worked hard and she was very diligent at her work and as a result her talent and work ethic was seen by NTV manager at the time called Maurice Mugisha who later invited her for an interview.

 Sheila Nduhukire was able to land a job at the television station and having worked for about seven months, she one time decided to enter the voice control room  and it was later discovered that she could actually make a good news anchor.

According to Sheila, she felt very nervous the first time she started anchoring news but with time she has grown confident and has been able to do the job well while at NTV.

Sheila Nduhukire worked at NTV Uganda for some good period of time and then decided to take a break from the media industry. During this time, she travelled abroad and relaxed there for some time before coming back to her home country, Uganda.

After returning to Uganda from the break, she joined Next Media services which runs NBS television station. She is currently working as a News anchor at the television station.

Sheila Nduhukire is an inspiration to all the youths especially girls out there who would like to Join the media industry especially television that it is possible to achieve your goals and dreams if you work hard at them.
