By Matata Mercy
If you cannot fly then run, if you cannot run then walk, if you cannot walk then crawl but whatever you do, you should ensure that you keep moving forward.

From time memorial it has been found out that human beings are go getters and will always continue seeking for ways in which they can actually be able to improve themselves every passing day and night.
Since we already have several self-help books that are available at our own disposal then we are actually in position to stay confident and focused as we take the road that has been less traveled.
We have always heard people come out and say that they actually did their best at some thing but the ultimate question that we should be asking ourselves is that should we be doing our best or we should actually do whatever it takes to achieve the success that we do desire in our lives?
In my personal opinion, i would say that we should do whatever it takes to be able to achieve success in our lives.
What should we actually do if we are going to fasten our belts and also be able to literally do whatever it takes for us to be able to achieve the massive success that we all desire to have in our lives.
One time i came across an interesting story about a young girl who was very determined and willing to do whatever it actually takes to be able to complete her home work or assignment that was given to her by her teacher.
This girl, having realized that there was no power or any other form of lighting at home, she decided to go and sit under a security light and start working on her homework.
Despite the fact that she was being bitten by insects like mosquitoes and also the cold air that blew up on her skin, she was determined to accomplish her mission which was to do and complete her home work.
She did not allow the lack of power or lighting to become an excuse for her not to be able to complete her work in time.
Doing whatever it takes is not about doing your best but it is all about doing whatever is necessary to ensure that the goals that you have set for yourselves are achieved and accomplished.
That girl in the story was doing whatever it takes and whatever was necessary for her to be able to complete her homework. If you are going to do whatever it takes, then you should become comfortable with doing the things that are actually uncomfortable.
In other words, you should be willing to do the things that most people are not willing to do and also be ready to face any challenges that you will encounter on your way and then be ready to overcome those challenges.
It means being hungry for success and also to keep moving forward no matter what happens along the way.
According to research it has been found out that if you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and dreams for about 2 months, the results that you obtain will most likely skyrocket.
Do not allow anything to hold you back, just start right away, you should get up and start doing whatever it takes to make your dreams come to reality.
If you cannot fly then run, if you cannot run then walk, if you cannot walk then crawl but whatever you do, you should ensure that you keep moving forward.
From time memorial it has been found out that human beings are go getters and will always continue seeking for ways in which they can actually be able to improve themselves every passing day and night.
Since we already have several self-help books that are available at our own disposal then we are actually in position to stay confident and focused as we take the road that has been less traveled.
We have always heard people come out and say that they actually did their best at some thing but the ultimate question that we should be asking ourselves is that should we be doing our best or we should actually do whatever it takes to achieve the success that we do desire in our lives?
In my personal opinion, i would say that we should do whatever it takes to be able to achieve success in our lives.
What should we actually do if we are going to fasten our belts and also be able to literally do whatever it takes for us to be able to achieve the massive success that we all desire to have in our lives.
One time i came across an interesting story about a young girl who was very determined and willing to do whatever it actually takes to be able to complete her home work or assignment that was given to her by her teacher.
This girl, having realized that there was no power or any other form of lighting at home, she decided to go and sit under a security light and start working on her homework.
Despite the fact that she was being bitten by insects like mosquitoes and also the cold air that blew up on her skin, she was determined to accomplish her mission which was to do and complete her home work.
She did not allow the lack of power or lighting to become an excuse for her not to be able to complete her work in time.
Doing whatever it takes is not about doing your best but it is all about doing whatever is necessary to ensure that the goals that you have set for yourselves are achieved and accomplished.
That girl in the story was doing whatever it takes and whatever was necessary for her to be able to complete her homework. If you are going to do whatever it takes, then you should become comfortable with doing the things that are actually uncomfortable.
In other words, you should be willing to do the things that most people are not willing to do and also be ready to face any challenges that you will encounter on your way and then be ready to overcome those challenges.
It means being hungry for success and also to keep moving forward no matter what happens along the way.
According to research it has been found out that if you are willing to do whatever it takes to achieve your goals and dreams for about 2 months, the results that you obtain will most likely skyrocket.
Do not allow anything to hold you back, just start right away, you should get up and start doing whatever it takes to make your dreams come to reality.
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