By Matata Mercy
Getting a job is becoming tougher day by day and if you are going to become successful at landing your next dream job then you will need to start taking certain kinds of action that will most likely drive you towards your next success.

If you want to improve your chances of being hired this year then there are things that other people have done to land their next job and these are the things that you can also do.
Here are the things that you should do in order for you to become highly employable.
1. Become very active
You should not just wait around for an opportunity and instead should start actively looking for opportunities that you can take up.
There is no way your room mate back in college is going to pick up his or her phone to call you to submit your resume for the next job opportunity.
There is no magic that will put your resume infront of the manager who is hiring employees at the company that you desire to work for.
Take your destiny into your own hands, start reaching out to people you know who can actually help you or put aside sometime for searching for jobs.
2. Make sure that your resume is up to date
When you are actively looking for a job, it will be helpful if you do have a resume that is up to date in form of pdf ready to be emailed and sent to your prospective employer.
The good thing is that it will save you alot of time when you stumble radomly upon an opportunity and it will also keep you ready to start negotiations for a pay raise or promotion if you are currently working somewhere.
If you discover that you not getting any responses from any of your would be employers, then it is wise for you to keep updating your resume or create different resumes for different kinds of jobs depending on the positions available and skills required by those employers.
3. Take charge of your destiny
If you are going to be successful, then you will need to take ownership of all the things that you are going to do. This could be the bad things and also the good things as well.
You should be able to stand up and accept your mistakes or challenges that you are facing. Employers desire people who are resonsible and know how to manage themselves and are also capable of demostrating some kind of leadership when required.
4. Develop a positive attitude
Having a negative attitude is not good especially when you are busy searching for jobs. Most employers out there desire to work with people who have positive attitudes, people who believe that things will be better in the long run since this attitude energises other employees out there.
You should not ignore the bad things but rather you should focus most of your energy and time on the good things that are happening around you.
If you can put in the time and care into your work, i promise you that you will be one of the most sought after people.
This level care will be shining during the interveiws and even on your resume making you one of the most markatable people for your would be employers.
5. Know your value and worth
You will gain alot of confidence when you are aware of the skills and experience that you do have in your hands and also knowing the market value for those skills that you have in your hands is very valuable and will help when it's time for you to show your employers what you have got to offer them.
I hope these simple tips that i have offered will give you the courage and put you ahead of all the others whom you are all in the race with for the job out there.
Getting a job is becoming tougher day by day and if you are going to become successful at landing your next dream job then you will need to start taking certain kinds of action that will most likely drive you towards your next success.
If you want to improve your chances of being hired this year then there are things that other people have done to land their next job and these are the things that you can also do.
Here are the things that you should do in order for you to become highly employable.
1. Become very active
You should not just wait around for an opportunity and instead should start actively looking for opportunities that you can take up.
There is no way your room mate back in college is going to pick up his or her phone to call you to submit your resume for the next job opportunity.
There is no magic that will put your resume infront of the manager who is hiring employees at the company that you desire to work for.
Take your destiny into your own hands, start reaching out to people you know who can actually help you or put aside sometime for searching for jobs.
2. Make sure that your resume is up to date
When you are actively looking for a job, it will be helpful if you do have a resume that is up to date in form of pdf ready to be emailed and sent to your prospective employer.
The good thing is that it will save you alot of time when you stumble radomly upon an opportunity and it will also keep you ready to start negotiations for a pay raise or promotion if you are currently working somewhere.
If you discover that you not getting any responses from any of your would be employers, then it is wise for you to keep updating your resume or create different resumes for different kinds of jobs depending on the positions available and skills required by those employers.
3. Take charge of your destiny
If you are going to be successful, then you will need to take ownership of all the things that you are going to do. This could be the bad things and also the good things as well.
You should be able to stand up and accept your mistakes or challenges that you are facing. Employers desire people who are resonsible and know how to manage themselves and are also capable of demostrating some kind of leadership when required.
4. Develop a positive attitude
Having a negative attitude is not good especially when you are busy searching for jobs. Most employers out there desire to work with people who have positive attitudes, people who believe that things will be better in the long run since this attitude energises other employees out there.
You should not ignore the bad things but rather you should focus most of your energy and time on the good things that are happening around you.
If you can put in the time and care into your work, i promise you that you will be one of the most sought after people.
This level care will be shining during the interveiws and even on your resume making you one of the most markatable people for your would be employers.
5. Know your value and worth
You will gain alot of confidence when you are aware of the skills and experience that you do have in your hands and also knowing the market value for those skills that you have in your hands is very valuable and will help when it's time for you to show your employers what you have got to offer them.
I hope these simple tips that i have offered will give you the courage and put you ahead of all the others whom you are all in the race with for the job out there.
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