By Matata Mercy
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in the year 1769 at a place called Ajjacio which is found on the Island of Corsica.

He was born in a family that had 13 children and out of the 13 children only eight of the children survived childhood.
The Island called Corsica where Napoleon was born had been acquired by France from the Republic of Genoa.
Napoleon Bonaparte attended military academies found in Brienne and also in Paris the capital city of France.
Napoleon was placed among cadets who came from families that were wealthy and as a result of this he felt socially inferior and always had a strong belief that he had greater abilities than his own comrades, as a result of the things that were happening in his life, he became very unhappy.
He was aloof, also studied alot and always scorned the people around him. As a result of these attitudes that he possesed, he became very unpopular among his comrades.
All this time Napoleon remained a Corsican at heart and he dreamt of Corsican rising up against France one day.
In the year 1792, Napoleon Bonaparte was dismissed from military service for overstaying his leave after returning from Corsica to Paris. He developed a strong desire to secure reinstatement into the service.
During this time, Napoleon started reading revolutionary literature, dabbled in revolutions and he also became very close to Robespierre and was later improsoned after the fall of Robespierre.
Since there was a shortage in good artillary officers, Napoleon was returned to the army.
In the year 1793, Napoleon Bonaparte helped in defeating a royalist who was rising up at the port of Toulon while being aided by the English fleet.
Napoleon Bonaparte later got married to Josephine deBeauharnais.
After surrendering to a British ship, he was arrested and taken into prison and while there he wrote memoirs about his rule and conquests. Napoleon Bonaparte later died in the year 1821.
Life lessons from Napoleon Bonarpate
From the life of this great conquerer and revolutionary called Napoleon Bonarpate, there are some timeless lessons that we as humans can pick up from his rise to the top that can also help us to get better at what we are doing and also achieve our dreams and goals in any thing that we would love to accomplish in this world.
1. It doesnot matter where you come from, you can achieve your dreams and goals
Napoleon Bonarpate didnot come from a wealthy family but he managed to rise to the top.
The place where he was born was not the place for the rich but he managed to challenge the status quo and get to the top.
Therefore being born in a poor family should not be an excuse to accept failure and mediocrity in our lives.
2. Always have big dreams and goals in life
During his time at military academy, Napoleon had a strong belief that one day someone from his place of birth would one day rise up against France, little did he know that he actually would accomplish that.
You should always have big dreams, these dreams will give you a sense of direction in your life.
3. You should never give up
Napoleon Bonaparte was dismissed from the military academy but he never gave up on having a military career and instead of being discouraged, he developed a strong desire to go back to the military academy and become an army general.
Sometimes things get hard and you end up feeling like you should give uo but just keep working hard and you will achieve your goals and dreams.
4. You should always keep learning
After being dismissed from the military academy, Napoleon continued learning by reading revolutionary literature and this helped him to learn from other people who became revolutionaries earlier on.
Therefore you should keep learning even after you are out of school.
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in the year 1769 at a place called Ajjacio which is found on the Island of Corsica.
He was born in a family that had 13 children and out of the 13 children only eight of the children survived childhood.
The Island called Corsica where Napoleon was born had been acquired by France from the Republic of Genoa.
Napoleon Bonaparte attended military academies found in Brienne and also in Paris the capital city of France.
Napoleon was placed among cadets who came from families that were wealthy and as a result of this he felt socially inferior and always had a strong belief that he had greater abilities than his own comrades, as a result of the things that were happening in his life, he became very unhappy.
He was aloof, also studied alot and always scorned the people around him. As a result of these attitudes that he possesed, he became very unpopular among his comrades.
All this time Napoleon remained a Corsican at heart and he dreamt of Corsican rising up against France one day.
In the year 1792, Napoleon Bonaparte was dismissed from military service for overstaying his leave after returning from Corsica to Paris. He developed a strong desire to secure reinstatement into the service.
During this time, Napoleon started reading revolutionary literature, dabbled in revolutions and he also became very close to Robespierre and was later improsoned after the fall of Robespierre.
Since there was a shortage in good artillary officers, Napoleon was returned to the army.
In the year 1793, Napoleon Bonaparte helped in defeating a royalist who was rising up at the port of Toulon while being aided by the English fleet.
Napoleon Bonaparte later got married to Josephine deBeauharnais.
After surrendering to a British ship, he was arrested and taken into prison and while there he wrote memoirs about his rule and conquests. Napoleon Bonaparte later died in the year 1821.
Life lessons from Napoleon Bonarpate
From the life of this great conquerer and revolutionary called Napoleon Bonarpate, there are some timeless lessons that we as humans can pick up from his rise to the top that can also help us to get better at what we are doing and also achieve our dreams and goals in any thing that we would love to accomplish in this world.
1. It doesnot matter where you come from, you can achieve your dreams and goals
Napoleon Bonarpate didnot come from a wealthy family but he managed to rise to the top.
The place where he was born was not the place for the rich but he managed to challenge the status quo and get to the top.
Therefore being born in a poor family should not be an excuse to accept failure and mediocrity in our lives.
2. Always have big dreams and goals in life
During his time at military academy, Napoleon had a strong belief that one day someone from his place of birth would one day rise up against France, little did he know that he actually would accomplish that.
You should always have big dreams, these dreams will give you a sense of direction in your life.
3. You should never give up
Napoleon Bonaparte was dismissed from the military academy but he never gave up on having a military career and instead of being discouraged, he developed a strong desire to go back to the military academy and become an army general.
Sometimes things get hard and you end up feeling like you should give uo but just keep working hard and you will achieve your goals and dreams.
4. You should always keep learning
After being dismissed from the military academy, Napoleon continued learning by reading revolutionary literature and this helped him to learn from other people who became revolutionaries earlier on.
Therefore you should keep learning even after you are out of school.
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