By Matata Mercy
 Benjamin Franklin is considered to be one of the founding fathers of United States of America. During his lifetime, Benjamin Franklin was an inventor, author, politician and also a strongstatesman at the time.

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He has some words of wisdom to people out there who are seeking for success in their lives. Today i bring to you some of the inspirational quotes from Benjamin Franklin that will motivate you to take life seriously.

1. It is a working man who is always going to be happy while the idleman is always going to be a miserable human being.

2. You should not hide your talents simpl because they were made to be used and not hidden.

3. A person who has an opinion that money will do everything will easily be suspected for doing everything just for money.

4. A person who has patience can have everything that he wants.

5.  If you are good at making excuses then you are not good at anthing else.

6. Never leave something for tommorrow which you can be able to do today.

7. If you love life, then you should not squander time because time is what makes up life.

8. Having energy and persistance will permit a man to conquer all things.

9. If you want to get leisure then you should use your time well.

10. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

11. Being content makes poor men rich while discontent makes rich men poor.

12. When a man empties his purse into his head then no one will be able to take it away from him since an investment in knowledge will always pay the best interest.

13. Something that is well done is better than something that is well said.

14. You may be delay but the truth is that time will not delay.

15. You should avoid anticipating trouble or worrying about what may never happen but instead just keep in the sunlight.
