By Matata Mercy
Many people out there are finding it hard to be productive and they feel that they are not accomplishing the things that they set out to achieve at the end of the day.

We all know that we do have the same number of hours to work on whatever we want to work on in a day.
What separates people who are good at being productive from those who are great at being productive is just how we all use our time. How can you get alot of things done in the least time possible?.
And how do you know that you are actually doing high-quality work in that period of time?
You can be able to achieve high productivity if you experiment with some of the tips that i do offer here. Here are some of the productivity tips that will help you to accomplish anything in life.
1. Utilize your time in chunks
This is one of the best ways in which you can be able to use your time well. This technique is commonly called schedule blocking and it involves diving up your time into hours and this could be between one to four hours.
Then you ensure that you complete specific tasks in specific periods of time.
For example you can decide that the first two hours of your day will be dedicated to checking your emails, the next three hours can be scheduled for working on your big projects and the remaining two hours of your day can be used to brainstorm new ideas with business partners or colleagues.
These activities will vary depending on each and everyone's job or the daily tasks that they need to get done.
According to Crystal Paine, if you want to become productive, you need to become the master of your minutes.
2. Create a problem that you want solved
Some people work very well when they are under pressure or in a crisis and therefore if you know that you work well under a crisis, then it is time for you to create a problem that you want solved.
The best way in which you can be able to create a problem is by asking yourself the question, What do i need to get done?
For example if you need to write some blog posts early in the morning before your life is crowded with all the chaos of the day, your mind is now tuned to solving that problem.
Now you should figure out how you are going to solve this problem and you can decide to first do some research on the topic that you want to write about, outline some bulletins or points that you will include in the articles and then finally wirte up the article or blog post.
This will make it easier for you to solve the problem instead of just saying you want to write or simply making a to do list.
3. Remove distractions from your workplace
You should limit your distractions if you are going to be productive and do more in less time.
This simply means that you should put off your phone, get off social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and others.
This will help you to focus fully on what you want to get done in the time that you have allocated for it.
4. Keep Healthy
One thing that you should remember when you are super excited about a project is that it should not take over your whole life.
You should make sure that you put yourself first before the project. Take good care of yourself, drink enough water and eat good food so that you can stay healthy and keep working on that brilliant idea.
5. You should not sacrifice everything just to be productive
It is true that you want to achieve alot out of your work and therefore being productive is a priority for you but you should not sacrifice everything for it.
Ensure that there is a balance between you working so hard to achieve your dreams and having fun or interacting with your friends and family.
If you ignore other things in your life, you will feel sad in the longrun and yet to be productive you need to enjoy and love what you are doing.
So make sure that you are having fun by putting aside some time to enjoy life with your friends and family.
You can set small productivity goals for yourself as you go on or reduce the amount of time that you spend on Facebook orTwitter and other socialmedia platforms.
Since you will spend half of your life at your job, you should enjoy what you are doing and by following these tips, you will be able to accomplish more at work.
What productivity tips do you have that helps you to accomplish more at work?
Many people out there are finding it hard to be productive and they feel that they are not accomplishing the things that they set out to achieve at the end of the day.
We all know that we do have the same number of hours to work on whatever we want to work on in a day.
What separates people who are good at being productive from those who are great at being productive is just how we all use our time. How can you get alot of things done in the least time possible?.
And how do you know that you are actually doing high-quality work in that period of time?
You can be able to achieve high productivity if you experiment with some of the tips that i do offer here. Here are some of the productivity tips that will help you to accomplish anything in life.
1. Utilize your time in chunks
This is one of the best ways in which you can be able to use your time well. This technique is commonly called schedule blocking and it involves diving up your time into hours and this could be between one to four hours.
Then you ensure that you complete specific tasks in specific periods of time.
For example you can decide that the first two hours of your day will be dedicated to checking your emails, the next three hours can be scheduled for working on your big projects and the remaining two hours of your day can be used to brainstorm new ideas with business partners or colleagues.
These activities will vary depending on each and everyone's job or the daily tasks that they need to get done.
According to Crystal Paine, if you want to become productive, you need to become the master of your minutes.
2. Create a problem that you want solved
Some people work very well when they are under pressure or in a crisis and therefore if you know that you work well under a crisis, then it is time for you to create a problem that you want solved.
The best way in which you can be able to create a problem is by asking yourself the question, What do i need to get done?
For example if you need to write some blog posts early in the morning before your life is crowded with all the chaos of the day, your mind is now tuned to solving that problem.
Now you should figure out how you are going to solve this problem and you can decide to first do some research on the topic that you want to write about, outline some bulletins or points that you will include in the articles and then finally wirte up the article or blog post.
This will make it easier for you to solve the problem instead of just saying you want to write or simply making a to do list.
3. Remove distractions from your workplace
You should limit your distractions if you are going to be productive and do more in less time.
This simply means that you should put off your phone, get off social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and others.
This will help you to focus fully on what you want to get done in the time that you have allocated for it.
4. Keep Healthy
One thing that you should remember when you are super excited about a project is that it should not take over your whole life.
You should make sure that you put yourself first before the project. Take good care of yourself, drink enough water and eat good food so that you can stay healthy and keep working on that brilliant idea.
5. You should not sacrifice everything just to be productive
It is true that you want to achieve alot out of your work and therefore being productive is a priority for you but you should not sacrifice everything for it.
Ensure that there is a balance between you working so hard to achieve your dreams and having fun or interacting with your friends and family.
If you ignore other things in your life, you will feel sad in the longrun and yet to be productive you need to enjoy and love what you are doing.
So make sure that you are having fun by putting aside some time to enjoy life with your friends and family.
You can set small productivity goals for yourself as you go on or reduce the amount of time that you spend on Facebook orTwitter and other socialmedia platforms.
Since you will spend half of your life at your job, you should enjoy what you are doing and by following these tips, you will be able to accomplish more at work.
What productivity tips do you have that helps you to accomplish more at work?
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