By Matata Mercy
Everyone is looking to succeed in something out there. For some people it could be becoming the net popular and famous music artist while for others it's about becoming an Olympic champion.

The only question that each one of us needs to ask themselves is how are we going to achieve that kind of success?
There is a saying that desperate times need desperate measures. If you desperately need to achieve success, there is nothing in the world that will stop you from achieving your goals.
There will be obstacles but as a result of your desire you will smash through the obstacles easily.
If you are planning to become successful you should know what success means to you and that is one fundamental question that most people out there miss.
The meaning of success to you might be different to the meaning of success to another person.
Does being successful to you mean becoming successful in your business or music career or an accomplished Olympic athlete?
Some one out there could be seeing success as running their own business or even having a happy marriage.
If you are clear and concise about the meaning of success in your life, you will be able to achieve the success you need sinc you will now be knowing what you should focus on properly to reach your destination.
Today I will be giving you some tips on how you can be able to achieve the success that you desperately need in your life.
1. What ignites your passion?
If you can find out what you are passionate about, you will most likely be able to succeed in that field.
Your interests will easily guide you to achieve the success that you desire in your life.
Knowing your passion will give you the adrenalin-rush and it will make you feel so pumped-up and very ready to face any obstacle that steps right infront of you and move past it.
Being able to identify your passion will give you the opportunity to not only change your life but also change the lives of other people so you should not be shy about pursuing your passion.
You can have passion for different things like music, real estate, athletics or soccer.
If you are passionate about very many things, you should be able to choose the best on the list. You can use your passion as a pathway to success.
Take a look at BillGates and computers, Serena Williams and tennis, Mofarah and athletics and Micheal Jackson and music and many other examples out there who took their passion and used it as a path way to achieve the success that they deserve.
Every body in the world does have something that they do love doing, all you need to do is to discover through exploration what that thing is.
2. You should be able to start and then stay positive
The start of something will always be the hardest part of every journey and so if you are going to be successful, getting the courage to start will give you enough motivation to become successful.
For the case of entreprenuers out there the ability to start a business is the hardest thing that could happen to them and if they are able to start off, then the rest will be easy.
According to Jack Dorsey who is the founder of Twitter, the greatest lesson that he ever learnt is to get started in the simplest way that he can.
You are never going to know if something will work out until you are able to start doing it. Your dream will remain just a dream if you are not able to start.
So if you are out there and you would like to own a business, the best thing that you can do for yourself right now is to start in the simplest way that you can. The start will mark the beginning of a journey that will most likely change your life forever.
You should not let the fear of failure hold you captive in one place and therefore get moving. Now that you have been able to start, you need to develop a positive attitude as this will be acting as your fuel that keeps you moving forward.
You will most likely meet obstacles but if you are willing to keep going as a result of the positive attitude that you have developed, these obstacles will disappear with time. Therefore, start and then keep going with a positive mindset.
3. You should move out of the mind trap
It is very good to think and dream big but it is not good to stop at just dreaming. If you are going to achieve your goals, you will need to move out of your comfortzone and start taking action on your dreams in order to be able to bring them into reality.
Nothing will end up killing you faster than regretting what might have been and did not happen.
If you are going to succeed, you will need to get out of this mind trap and start doing something about that dream that you have always had in your mind.
You should reject the mentality of staying on those thoughts of thinking big and instead start doing things that can bring your dream to life.
You should pick yourself up and start focusing on your growth mindset and you will succeed in the longrun.
4. You should work extra hard
You must have heard what some people say that hardwork doesnot kill.
If you want to become successful in life that could be in business, you will need to roll up your sleeves and keep working hard as you can. in every success story that you have ever had there is a time when there was alot of sweat and grind that was involved in it.
You will be surprised by the amount of time that entrepreneurs put in to achieve the success that they did achieve in their lives.
There are some factors out there that do determine success and these are opportunity and luck. In order to be ready to take up the opportunity that comes your way, you will need to keep working hard.
You should develop the mindset of hardwork and perseverance through all the challenges that come to you
You will need to develop a thick skin and ignore negativity if you are going to achieve your dreams.
This negatuve attitude could be coming from people surrounding you or even the situations that you are faced with in life. According to Thomas Edison, the founder of Ford Motor Company, there is no substitute for hardwork.
5. Being consistent is very important
If you are going to be successful, you will need to develop the habit of being consistent at taking actions towards the goals that you want to achieve in your life.
Many people out there reach a certain level of success and then they stop doing the things that they have been doing, in simple terms they stop growing.
Just like hardwork and perseverance, being consistent will indicate your progress at that which you want to achieve and progress will eventually lead to results. As an entrepreneur, you have to keep going and ensure that your business is growing or expanding.
You should be looking at what separates you from the competition. In order to be successful, you should live, eat and breath success.
Everything that you imagine should push you towards the success that you deserve. Stop sitting on a chair and looking at your life go to waste, take charge of your life. Wish you the best in life.
Everyone is looking to succeed in something out there. For some people it could be becoming the net popular and famous music artist while for others it's about becoming an Olympic champion.
The only question that each one of us needs to ask themselves is how are we going to achieve that kind of success?
There is a saying that desperate times need desperate measures. If you desperately need to achieve success, there is nothing in the world that will stop you from achieving your goals.
There will be obstacles but as a result of your desire you will smash through the obstacles easily.
If you are planning to become successful you should know what success means to you and that is one fundamental question that most people out there miss.
The meaning of success to you might be different to the meaning of success to another person.
Does being successful to you mean becoming successful in your business or music career or an accomplished Olympic athlete?
Some one out there could be seeing success as running their own business or even having a happy marriage.
If you are clear and concise about the meaning of success in your life, you will be able to achieve the success you need sinc you will now be knowing what you should focus on properly to reach your destination.
Today I will be giving you some tips on how you can be able to achieve the success that you desperately need in your life.
1. What ignites your passion?
If you can find out what you are passionate about, you will most likely be able to succeed in that field.
Your interests will easily guide you to achieve the success that you desire in your life.
Knowing your passion will give you the adrenalin-rush and it will make you feel so pumped-up and very ready to face any obstacle that steps right infront of you and move past it.
Being able to identify your passion will give you the opportunity to not only change your life but also change the lives of other people so you should not be shy about pursuing your passion.
You can have passion for different things like music, real estate, athletics or soccer.
If you are passionate about very many things, you should be able to choose the best on the list. You can use your passion as a pathway to success.
Take a look at BillGates and computers, Serena Williams and tennis, Mofarah and athletics and Micheal Jackson and music and many other examples out there who took their passion and used it as a path way to achieve the success that they deserve.
Every body in the world does have something that they do love doing, all you need to do is to discover through exploration what that thing is.
2. You should be able to start and then stay positive
The start of something will always be the hardest part of every journey and so if you are going to be successful, getting the courage to start will give you enough motivation to become successful.
For the case of entreprenuers out there the ability to start a business is the hardest thing that could happen to them and if they are able to start off, then the rest will be easy.
According to Jack Dorsey who is the founder of Twitter, the greatest lesson that he ever learnt is to get started in the simplest way that he can.
You are never going to know if something will work out until you are able to start doing it. Your dream will remain just a dream if you are not able to start.
So if you are out there and you would like to own a business, the best thing that you can do for yourself right now is to start in the simplest way that you can. The start will mark the beginning of a journey that will most likely change your life forever.
You should not let the fear of failure hold you captive in one place and therefore get moving. Now that you have been able to start, you need to develop a positive attitude as this will be acting as your fuel that keeps you moving forward.
You will most likely meet obstacles but if you are willing to keep going as a result of the positive attitude that you have developed, these obstacles will disappear with time. Therefore, start and then keep going with a positive mindset.
3. You should move out of the mind trap
It is very good to think and dream big but it is not good to stop at just dreaming. If you are going to achieve your goals, you will need to move out of your comfortzone and start taking action on your dreams in order to be able to bring them into reality.
Nothing will end up killing you faster than regretting what might have been and did not happen.
If you are going to succeed, you will need to get out of this mind trap and start doing something about that dream that you have always had in your mind.
You should reject the mentality of staying on those thoughts of thinking big and instead start doing things that can bring your dream to life.
You should pick yourself up and start focusing on your growth mindset and you will succeed in the longrun.
4. You should work extra hard
You must have heard what some people say that hardwork doesnot kill.
If you want to become successful in life that could be in business, you will need to roll up your sleeves and keep working hard as you can. in every success story that you have ever had there is a time when there was alot of sweat and grind that was involved in it.
You will be surprised by the amount of time that entrepreneurs put in to achieve the success that they did achieve in their lives.
There are some factors out there that do determine success and these are opportunity and luck. In order to be ready to take up the opportunity that comes your way, you will need to keep working hard.
You should develop the mindset of hardwork and perseverance through all the challenges that come to you
You will need to develop a thick skin and ignore negativity if you are going to achieve your dreams.
This negatuve attitude could be coming from people surrounding you or even the situations that you are faced with in life. According to Thomas Edison, the founder of Ford Motor Company, there is no substitute for hardwork.
5. Being consistent is very important
If you are going to be successful, you will need to develop the habit of being consistent at taking actions towards the goals that you want to achieve in your life.
Many people out there reach a certain level of success and then they stop doing the things that they have been doing, in simple terms they stop growing.
Just like hardwork and perseverance, being consistent will indicate your progress at that which you want to achieve and progress will eventually lead to results. As an entrepreneur, you have to keep going and ensure that your business is growing or expanding.
You should be looking at what separates you from the competition. In order to be successful, you should live, eat and breath success.
Everything that you imagine should push you towards the success that you deserve. Stop sitting on a chair and looking at your life go to waste, take charge of your life. Wish you the best in life.
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