By Matata Mercy
Have you ever wondered why some people out there are very successful in life while others can barely even be able to see a pinch of success in their lives?

The people who are able to achieve massive success in their lives do not achieve that kind of achievement by accident or by luck as most people out there will say.
These people whom we see successful have managed to develop and build positive habits that have enabled them to keep moving towards their goals each and everyday of their life.
While those people who are mediocre in their achievements have reached that destination simply because they have developed and build negative habits that has been leading them each and everyday of their life to the path of failure.
Today i would like to share and analyse some of these habits that make successful people become what they are and what makes the unsuccessful take the path that they do take.
Here are the habits that separate successful people from the mediocre people:-
1. Reading Books
Successful people loving reading books especially personal development books that give them knowledge about how they can improve their lives.
They will read books about how to achieve financial success or how to build meaningful relationships with others.
While for the mediocre people they do not read any books and instead they spend their time watching television and seeking for entertainment to aoccupy themselves
2. Time for waking up in the morning
When it comes to the time for waking up in the morning, nothing beats successful people.
They will wake up very early in the morning so that they are ready for the tasks that they will be accomplishing throughout the day.
For the mediocre people, they normally love enjoying their sleep and will continue staying in bed even up to mid-day. What a very bad way of starting off your day.
3. Procrastination and taking action
Successful people are motivated by taking action and this is their driving force or fuel in life. This is one major reason why successful people are able to achieve far more than those who are mediocre.
If they have something to do, successful people will not hesitate and instead they will grab the bull by it's horn and start riding it.
While for the mediocre people, procrastination drives them and this develops as a result of their habit of being lazy in all the activities that they endevour to do.
As a result of procrastination and laziness, mediocre people will usually accomplish less than they are supposed to achieve.
So if you are out there and want to become successful, avoid the habit of procrastination and instead embrace the habit of taking action each and everyday on your goals.
4. On Focus
One time Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were asked to state the one factor that could bring success in the life of a person and they both said focus.
So focus is a major force that can push some one to success and on the other end, the lack of focus can make one become a failure in whatever we are doing.
Successful people know it very well that in order to become successful, you will need to focus on those activities that will give you the outcome that you want.
Chasing everything that you find your way will not yield positive results if you are aiming to become a success.
While for the case of the mediocre people, they do lack focus and therefore their minds and attention are easily diverted to other things that are not directly connected to the outcomes or results that they want to achieve in their life.
5. Watching television
There is another habit that does separate successful people from those who are mediocre in their own doing and that habit is what is called watching television.
Successful people spend very little time watching television and the time that they are watching television, they use it to watch programes that are inspiring or educative to them.
They make sure that most of their time is invested in doing things that will take them foward rather than spending all that time glued to the television screen.
While for the mediocre people, they will spend most of their time watching television and spend less time doing what they are supposed to be doing, the things that would take them to the next level of success.
Some of these lazy people will even spend the whole day watching television. According to Queen Latifah, In real life, you cannot sit there at home and watch television hoping that one day you will acheive your dreams, in order to be successful you will have to get out there and take some chances.
If you are going to achieve success in life, you will need to develop the right habits that can take you to the dreams that you want to live.
What habits do you have that will give you the success that you want in your life?
Have you ever wondered why some people out there are very successful in life while others can barely even be able to see a pinch of success in their lives?
The people who are able to achieve massive success in their lives do not achieve that kind of achievement by accident or by luck as most people out there will say.
These people whom we see successful have managed to develop and build positive habits that have enabled them to keep moving towards their goals each and everyday of their life.
While those people who are mediocre in their achievements have reached that destination simply because they have developed and build negative habits that has been leading them each and everyday of their life to the path of failure.
Today i would like to share and analyse some of these habits that make successful people become what they are and what makes the unsuccessful take the path that they do take.
Here are the habits that separate successful people from the mediocre people:-
1. Reading Books
Successful people loving reading books especially personal development books that give them knowledge about how they can improve their lives.
They will read books about how to achieve financial success or how to build meaningful relationships with others.
While for the mediocre people they do not read any books and instead they spend their time watching television and seeking for entertainment to aoccupy themselves
2. Time for waking up in the morning
When it comes to the time for waking up in the morning, nothing beats successful people.
They will wake up very early in the morning so that they are ready for the tasks that they will be accomplishing throughout the day.
For the mediocre people, they normally love enjoying their sleep and will continue staying in bed even up to mid-day. What a very bad way of starting off your day.
3. Procrastination and taking action
Successful people are motivated by taking action and this is their driving force or fuel in life. This is one major reason why successful people are able to achieve far more than those who are mediocre.
If they have something to do, successful people will not hesitate and instead they will grab the bull by it's horn and start riding it.
While for the mediocre people, procrastination drives them and this develops as a result of their habit of being lazy in all the activities that they endevour to do.
As a result of procrastination and laziness, mediocre people will usually accomplish less than they are supposed to achieve.
So if you are out there and want to become successful, avoid the habit of procrastination and instead embrace the habit of taking action each and everyday on your goals.
4. On Focus
One time Bill Gates and Warren Buffet were asked to state the one factor that could bring success in the life of a person and they both said focus.
So focus is a major force that can push some one to success and on the other end, the lack of focus can make one become a failure in whatever we are doing.
Successful people know it very well that in order to become successful, you will need to focus on those activities that will give you the outcome that you want.
Chasing everything that you find your way will not yield positive results if you are aiming to become a success.
While for the case of the mediocre people, they do lack focus and therefore their minds and attention are easily diverted to other things that are not directly connected to the outcomes or results that they want to achieve in their life.
5. Watching television
There is another habit that does separate successful people from those who are mediocre in their own doing and that habit is what is called watching television.
Successful people spend very little time watching television and the time that they are watching television, they use it to watch programes that are inspiring or educative to them.
They make sure that most of their time is invested in doing things that will take them foward rather than spending all that time glued to the television screen.
While for the mediocre people, they will spend most of their time watching television and spend less time doing what they are supposed to be doing, the things that would take them to the next level of success.
Some of these lazy people will even spend the whole day watching television. According to Queen Latifah, In real life, you cannot sit there at home and watch television hoping that one day you will acheive your dreams, in order to be successful you will have to get out there and take some chances.
If you are going to achieve success in life, you will need to develop the right habits that can take you to the dreams that you want to live.
What habits do you have that will give you the success that you want in your life?
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