By Matata Mercy
Many people out there have goals and dreams that they want to achieve in life but there is one thing that is stopping them from kick starting their achievement and that is called waiting for permission. Imagine you are at the olympics and all of you have lined up for the marathon and there is no start gun that goes, what happens?

You will all be waiting for as long as the gun does not kick off the race. In real life that is not what actually happens. in this world if you are going to succeed, you will need to start on your own and don't waste any second or minute waiting for the right time. I know back in school, everything was programmed.
Time for the beginning of lessons was known, lunch time was allocated and even time for exams were known but in the real world, everything is a jungle and therefore you will need to find the right time to pursue your dreams and goals if you are going to succeed in achieving them.
Therefore you must not wait for permission from somebody so that you can be able to kick off what you want to do.
You must not wait for the right weather or the right amount of money kick off your start-up. If you do that, you might end up waiting forever. Here are some of the tips that will help you achieve your goals in this world which is a jungle.
1. Stop waiting for the right time
There is no right time to start working on your dreams or goals. The best time to start working on your goals is right now.If you are waiting for the right time, iam sorry to tell you that that time will never come.
You will always have something that will hold you back. If you are planning to start a business, this is the best time to start, there is no better time to do that.
The capital that you are hoping to have before you can launch your business will never be enough or the skills that you hope to gather before you can start that business may never be enough. As the Nike motto says Just do it.
One reason why the people they call jerks become successful is simply because they do share the same habit of not waiting for the right time to start doing something.
As a result of this, jerks often end up becoming successful. The best time for you to start working on your dreams is right now.
2. Move out of your comfortzone
Many people out there do not achieve their goals or are not living their dreams simply because they are very comfortable with the statusquo.
They do not want any change in the current situation that they are in simply because they are afraid of the unknown. Many students at University end up getting the shock of their life when they enter real life post graduation.
At school, everything was allocated a specific time and there was time for everything but out of school, they are thrown in alot of chaos.
In the real world, the goal posts are always changing and the whole world looks like an atmosphere filled with alot of battle within it. If you are willing to move out of your comfortzone, you will be able to achieve your dreams. Just start doing what you want to do, do not be comfortable.
3. You should surround yourself with hustlers
If you are going to achieve your goals, you will need to start hanging out with people who are hustlers and not just people who are cool around you.
You should be surrounded by people who are willing to help you grow and become a better human being.
If you bring along your creative work to a group of your friends and all they are telling is not to waste your time trying to create something, then you should know that you are actually in the company of the wrong people.
These are the kinds of people that you should avoid if you are going to become successful in the long run. You need people who will pull you up and not those who will sink you into the depths of the ground.
4. The best time to start working on your dream is now
If you are out there waiting for the right time kick off your dream, you will end up disappointed. There is no right time for working on your goals.
You will always be lacking something all the time. If you want your dream to come to life, you should start working on it right now.
If you take long to start working on your goals, you are actually wasting your own time and it will actually become harder to achieve your goals as time goes on.
The sooner you start working on your dreams, the faster you will achieve them and the less time you will spend regretting not having achieved your dreams.
5. You should avoid the fear of failure
Many people give up on their dreams simply because they fear to fail. How do you know that you are going to fail when you have not even attempted to achieve that goal.
Some times the fear that develops within us is actually imagined than the reality. Many people fear to fail if they start working on their goals, they think that people will laugh at them when they fail and fear to ridiculed.
The truth of the matter is that all the successful around the world have failed several times but in the end they did succeed. Failure is important as we make our journey towards success simply because it helps us to pick up some valuable lessons along the way.
You should always remember that in order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
If you truly want to achieve something in your lifetime, then you should avoid waiting for permission to start doing something or else you will spend the rest of your life waiting forever.
If you want something, go for it and chase your dreams. Your dreams are valid.
Many people out there have goals and dreams that they want to achieve in life but there is one thing that is stopping them from kick starting their achievement and that is called waiting for permission. Imagine you are at the olympics and all of you have lined up for the marathon and there is no start gun that goes, what happens?
You will all be waiting for as long as the gun does not kick off the race. In real life that is not what actually happens. in this world if you are going to succeed, you will need to start on your own and don't waste any second or minute waiting for the right time. I know back in school, everything was programmed.
Time for the beginning of lessons was known, lunch time was allocated and even time for exams were known but in the real world, everything is a jungle and therefore you will need to find the right time to pursue your dreams and goals if you are going to succeed in achieving them.
Therefore you must not wait for permission from somebody so that you can be able to kick off what you want to do.
You must not wait for the right weather or the right amount of money kick off your start-up. If you do that, you might end up waiting forever. Here are some of the tips that will help you achieve your goals in this world which is a jungle.
1. Stop waiting for the right time
There is no right time to start working on your dreams or goals. The best time to start working on your goals is right now.If you are waiting for the right time, iam sorry to tell you that that time will never come.
You will always have something that will hold you back. If you are planning to start a business, this is the best time to start, there is no better time to do that.
The capital that you are hoping to have before you can launch your business will never be enough or the skills that you hope to gather before you can start that business may never be enough. As the Nike motto says Just do it.
One reason why the people they call jerks become successful is simply because they do share the same habit of not waiting for the right time to start doing something.
As a result of this, jerks often end up becoming successful. The best time for you to start working on your dreams is right now.
2. Move out of your comfortzone
Many people out there do not achieve their goals or are not living their dreams simply because they are very comfortable with the statusquo.
They do not want any change in the current situation that they are in simply because they are afraid of the unknown. Many students at University end up getting the shock of their life when they enter real life post graduation.
At school, everything was allocated a specific time and there was time for everything but out of school, they are thrown in alot of chaos.
In the real world, the goal posts are always changing and the whole world looks like an atmosphere filled with alot of battle within it. If you are willing to move out of your comfortzone, you will be able to achieve your dreams. Just start doing what you want to do, do not be comfortable.
3. You should surround yourself with hustlers
If you are going to achieve your goals, you will need to start hanging out with people who are hustlers and not just people who are cool around you.
You should be surrounded by people who are willing to help you grow and become a better human being.
If you bring along your creative work to a group of your friends and all they are telling is not to waste your time trying to create something, then you should know that you are actually in the company of the wrong people.
These are the kinds of people that you should avoid if you are going to become successful in the long run. You need people who will pull you up and not those who will sink you into the depths of the ground.
4. The best time to start working on your dream is now
If you are out there waiting for the right time kick off your dream, you will end up disappointed. There is no right time for working on your goals.
You will always be lacking something all the time. If you want your dream to come to life, you should start working on it right now.
If you take long to start working on your goals, you are actually wasting your own time and it will actually become harder to achieve your goals as time goes on.
The sooner you start working on your dreams, the faster you will achieve them and the less time you will spend regretting not having achieved your dreams.
5. You should avoid the fear of failure
Many people give up on their dreams simply because they fear to fail. How do you know that you are going to fail when you have not even attempted to achieve that goal.
Some times the fear that develops within us is actually imagined than the reality. Many people fear to fail if they start working on their goals, they think that people will laugh at them when they fail and fear to ridiculed.
The truth of the matter is that all the successful around the world have failed several times but in the end they did succeed. Failure is important as we make our journey towards success simply because it helps us to pick up some valuable lessons along the way.
You should always remember that in order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.
If you truly want to achieve something in your lifetime, then you should avoid waiting for permission to start doing something or else you will spend the rest of your life waiting forever.
If you want something, go for it and chase your dreams. Your dreams are valid.
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