By Matata Mercy

To many people out there, highly successful people like Elon Musk, Larry Page, Micheal Jordan, and Micheal Phelps were genetically blessed and that is the sole reason why they were able to achieve the massive success that they did achieve   which is actually a very wrong perception of the achievements of these people.

 Image result for pictures of michael phelps
The truth of the matter is that these highly successful individuals stumbled upon certain beliefs that they decided to adopt and these beliefs helped them to achieve the massive success that we see manifesting in their lives today.

The unique thing about high performers is that they do have the ability to achieve much more success and also growth than ordinary people.

 They usually become celebrities in their field of expertise and this is not only as a result of the actions that they do take but also the strong beliefs that they have adopted that most people have not taken up.

The good thing is that these beliefs can be adopted and picked up by ordinary mortals out there and in the long run help them also become high performance individuals irrespective of how they did perform in the past.

 Here are the top beliefs that have made high performance people unstoppable in the world of success.

1. High performance people love themselves more than anyone else.

 If you are going to be successful, you will need to start by first loving yourself. Loving yourself will help build up your confidence and with time you will develop a high self-esteem which in turn will help you to start believing in yourself.

If you can believe in yourself then you will be able to achieve anything that you set out to achieve.

 People who have low self-esteem usually do not love themselves enough and so since they do not love themselves, they will lack the confidence to chase their goals and will always doubt themselves.

These people will fear failing which will make them not to achieve anything since failure is part of the journey towards success.

 High performance people become successful simply because they do not fear failure and instead embrace it and use it as a learning platform that can help them do better next time.

 If you cannot believe in yourself first, there is no one else in the whole world who will.

2. High performers use fear to fuel their actions

The truth of the matter is that all of us do fear including those who are high performers but the difference comes in how each one of us does respond to the fear that we are exposed to.

 For the high performers, they use fear as a fuel that helps them to generate massive action. These people will absorb all the pressure and just keep moving forward.

 The high performer will use fear to galvanise his actions while the lower performer will just flee when exposed to fear and that is what will make the difference.

3. High Performers are willing to pay the price

 The truth is that high performers have the same desires and needs just like the rest of us, they do enjoy having fun just like everyone else but deep down their mind, they know that they need to make some crucial sacrifices if they are going to achieve the goals that they have set out for themselves.

The sacrifices that you will need to make in order to achieve success will always depend on the level of success that you want to achieve.

If you want to live the billionaire lifestyle, you will need to observe and adopt the work ethic of successful billionaires like Elon Musk, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Page and others.

 These people work hard and they know that if you want to do it big, you should be ready to pay the price.

High performers do not mind working hard today so that they can live an easy and better life tomorrow.

 These people are ready to pay the price with their tears, blood and sweat.

4. High performance people choose the right crowd.

 High performance individuals always surround themselves with people who think positive and who are ambitious.

They will never surround themselves with people who always think negatively simply because they do know that when they surround themselves with people who have negative mindset, they will lose the zeal to chase their goals and achieve their dreams.

 You should know that you are the average of the five people that you do spend your time with. There is a saying that says that show me your friends and I will tell you who you are.

5. High performance people are focused

One time Bill Gates and Warren Buffet met at a dinner party and they were asked what made them successful and they mentioned that their ability to focus on one thing has made them successful.

 If you are going to be successful in anything, you will need to develop your ability to focus on that thing until you are able to achieve it. 

There may be very many good opportunities out there, but the truth of the matter is that if you are going to chase all those opportunities at once, you will end up losing all of them. Better to focus your attention on one than on all at once.
