By Matata Mercy
All of us would like to be happy and also achieve success. Although the way each one of us defines success differs from the other, there is one thing that holds true to all our achievements in life and that is the fact that we are responsible for what we will ever achieve in our life.

We are our biggest cheerleader and also our biggest force that will push us towards the success that we do want for ourselves.
The goals that we do set for ourselves will always be challenging and there is no short cut for that.
If we can develop positive habits that can push us towards the goals that we do desire to achieve, then we shall have done half the job of getting ourselves to achieving those goals that we have set for ourselves.
Whenever we remove a negative habit from our system, we are able to provide room for the positive habits to come and occupy it. Habits will always influence our days and eventually they will also determine how we do live our life.
Developing positive habits will help us achieve our goals and live the life that we desire to live.
Here some of the destructive habits that you must remove from your daily life so that you can be able to focus your efforts on achieving the most important goals in your life.
1. You should avoid using electronics while in bed
If you have the habit of using electronics while you are in your bed, then you are actually deceiving yourself and this habit will in the long rum actually harm you and cause you a lot of pain.
Using electronics in bed will rob you of the good night’s sleep and also the rest that you would have got if you had put aside your electronics like the phones, tablets and laptops.
You should always make sure that your phone stays in another room in order to avoid the temptations of trying to check the notifications, endless entertainment that comes from it.
The benefit of putting your phone away while in bed is that you will be able to enjoy the good night’s sleep and also you will wake up when you are alert and ready to conquer the day’s activities.
2. You should avoid procrastination
Procrastination means putting off some of the tasks that you are aware that you are supposed to do until further notice.
If we avoid doing the things that we must do in the long run our progress towards our goals will slow down and we might end up not achieving the goals that we did set out to achieve for ourselves.
When you put off the tasks that you are supposed to do, you are letting fear and anxiety take charge of your dreams and this will keep your dreams, hopes and ambitions in a hostage situation.
The life that we are living is already complicated enough for us to keep adding more burden into it.
This life is too short to continue procrastinating and therefore we should get to work and make things happen so that we can move forward towards our goals.
You start small and then you can keep building your way up. The first step is always the most intimidating step and if you can get past it then you are ready to conquer the world.
3. Avoid thinking negative thoughts
Having negative thoughts fill your mind will not do any good in your life but it will only slow down your progress towards your goals.
We should always that our minds are the control centers of our life and if we can keep our minds in a positive shape, we will be able to achieve the goals that we do set for ourselves.
In order to be successful in whatever we are dreaming about, we need to believe in ourselves and believing in ourselves comes with positive thinking that will shape our minds towards the success that we do desire.
The future is always a blank slate and so for you to succeed, you should endeavour to fill your mind with positive thoughts and moments in the present moment so that you can be able to give yourself the best chance that can help you achieve a bright future.
4. You should avoid staying in your comfort zone
When we are still young and toddlers, we usually try doing new things and also endeavour to explore the world that is surrounding us.
But the moment we start growing old, we usually begin losing that spark of trying out new things and also our ability to take on new adventures begin to diminish rapidly.
This time the fear of fear looms over us just like dark cloud. This is the time when we usually do retreat to our comfort zones and then when we are there, we do feel safe, familiar and also we do feel best.
If we want to become our best, we will need to embrace the power of growth and we should also develop the habit of trying out new things.
We may face failure in our quest for success but the truth of the matter is that there is no one out there who is born an expert.
Everyone who is successful has to start from somewhere and so do you. With time, the things that were once out of your comfort zone will become very familiar and you will become comfortable.
This means that you are expanding your comfort zone and this is actually good for your growth.
You should constantly be thinking about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself each and every day.
All of us would like to be happy and also achieve success. Although the way each one of us defines success differs from the other, there is one thing that holds true to all our achievements in life and that is the fact that we are responsible for what we will ever achieve in our life.
We are our biggest cheerleader and also our biggest force that will push us towards the success that we do want for ourselves.
The goals that we do set for ourselves will always be challenging and there is no short cut for that.
If we can develop positive habits that can push us towards the goals that we do desire to achieve, then we shall have done half the job of getting ourselves to achieving those goals that we have set for ourselves.
Whenever we remove a negative habit from our system, we are able to provide room for the positive habits to come and occupy it. Habits will always influence our days and eventually they will also determine how we do live our life.
Developing positive habits will help us achieve our goals and live the life that we desire to live.
Here some of the destructive habits that you must remove from your daily life so that you can be able to focus your efforts on achieving the most important goals in your life.
1. You should avoid using electronics while in bed
If you have the habit of using electronics while you are in your bed, then you are actually deceiving yourself and this habit will in the long rum actually harm you and cause you a lot of pain.
Using electronics in bed will rob you of the good night’s sleep and also the rest that you would have got if you had put aside your electronics like the phones, tablets and laptops.
You should always make sure that your phone stays in another room in order to avoid the temptations of trying to check the notifications, endless entertainment that comes from it.
The benefit of putting your phone away while in bed is that you will be able to enjoy the good night’s sleep and also you will wake up when you are alert and ready to conquer the day’s activities.
2. You should avoid procrastination
Procrastination means putting off some of the tasks that you are aware that you are supposed to do until further notice.
If we avoid doing the things that we must do in the long run our progress towards our goals will slow down and we might end up not achieving the goals that we did set out to achieve for ourselves.
When you put off the tasks that you are supposed to do, you are letting fear and anxiety take charge of your dreams and this will keep your dreams, hopes and ambitions in a hostage situation.
The life that we are living is already complicated enough for us to keep adding more burden into it.
This life is too short to continue procrastinating and therefore we should get to work and make things happen so that we can move forward towards our goals.
You start small and then you can keep building your way up. The first step is always the most intimidating step and if you can get past it then you are ready to conquer the world.
3. Avoid thinking negative thoughts
Having negative thoughts fill your mind will not do any good in your life but it will only slow down your progress towards your goals.
We should always that our minds are the control centers of our life and if we can keep our minds in a positive shape, we will be able to achieve the goals that we do set for ourselves.
In order to be successful in whatever we are dreaming about, we need to believe in ourselves and believing in ourselves comes with positive thinking that will shape our minds towards the success that we do desire.
The future is always a blank slate and so for you to succeed, you should endeavour to fill your mind with positive thoughts and moments in the present moment so that you can be able to give yourself the best chance that can help you achieve a bright future.
4. You should avoid staying in your comfort zone
When we are still young and toddlers, we usually try doing new things and also endeavour to explore the world that is surrounding us.
But the moment we start growing old, we usually begin losing that spark of trying out new things and also our ability to take on new adventures begin to diminish rapidly.
This time the fear of fear looms over us just like dark cloud. This is the time when we usually do retreat to our comfort zones and then when we are there, we do feel safe, familiar and also we do feel best.
If we want to become our best, we will need to embrace the power of growth and we should also develop the habit of trying out new things.
We may face failure in our quest for success but the truth of the matter is that there is no one out there who is born an expert.
Everyone who is successful has to start from somewhere and so do you. With time, the things that were once out of your comfort zone will become very familiar and you will become comfortable.
This means that you are expanding your comfort zone and this is actually good for your growth.
You should constantly be thinking about how you could be doing things better and questioning yourself each and every day.
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