We all want to get better in life and most times we feel like failures in life and we end up lost in life.

Jay-Z Beyonce richest couple

 There are things that we can actually do that can help change our situations in life for the better. 

All we need to do is to gain the courage to put in some little effort so that we are able to push against all the obstacles that we do encounter on our way to our dreams. 

It is very possible to change your life in the next six months if you truly want to achieve a major transformation in your life.  

Today, I will talk about how you can actually change your life in the next six months if you want to become a better human being. 

Here are some of the things that you can actually do so that you are able to change your life in the next six months.

1. You should learn to confront your fears

One thing that does hold us back from becoming successful in life is our tendency to always avoid confronting our fears.

 We all have different fears in our lives. I do fear ending up poor and homeless and that is one of my major fears that always keeps me awake and it even wakes me up very early in the morning to go and work on my dreams. 

You will never be able to change your life if you are not able to confront your fears head-on.  

One thing you should do is to write down your fears and then you will realise that actually this fear was just an illusion and this illusion is just created by your mind and thoughts that come out of it. In actual sense what you are fearing does not even exist in the real world you live in. 

The knowledge that your fear does not actually exist will give you the courage to chase your dreams. If you can conquer your fears, in the next six months you will be able to change your life or you will be in a better position.

2. You should stop giving a damn about certain things

Sometimes we do carry around a lot of garbage with us. 

There are things in our life that we should actually throw away and move on to better things that can add value into our lives. 

Sometimes we mind so much about things like what other people will think when we do certain things, what other people think about our dress code, where we live and why we sold our car.  

In order to be in a position where you can completely change your life, you will need to stop reacting to some of these things and instead focus on things that will make your dreams come true. 

Instead focusing on things that do not matter, we should reserve our energies for things that will add value into our lives and make us better humans.

3. You should reduce everything in your life

If you are going to move forward in life, you will need to reduce everything that you do have in your life instead of adding more things in your life.

 When you really want to change your life, you will need to reduce very many things in your life. You will need to reduce the time that you spend watching movies and series on Netflix. 

Reduce the time you do spend on Facebook updating your status and profile. You will also need to reduce the belongings that you do own. You will also need to reduce your expenses to a very small amount monthly. 

This will give you enough resources that you can invest in things that will take you next to your dream. 

Many of us out there have very many things that are in our possession and these things are sucking up the valuable time that we would actually use to improve ourselves and also chase our dreams and goals.

4. You choose something that you are going to achieve

If you want to achieve something that you want in life, you will need to avoid overloading yourself with very many things. 

Do not choose very many things to do at the same time. You should start concentrating on doing only one thing and not 10 things at once. 

If you can choose something that you truly want to achieve in the next six months and then you concentrate all your energies and time on that one thing, you will most likely achieve something great in your life and your life will most likely improve and become better with time.

5. You should start reading a lot of books

One way in which you will be able to improve and change your life for the better is by reading a lot of books.

 If you want to solve a problem that you have been facing, all you need to do is to look for books that can help you in solving that problem.  For example if you want to start a company, you can start by reading a book called The Lean Start up.  

You will learn how to run a start-up and you will be able to build a successful company with time. Books will change your life and make you become a better human being.

6. You should commit to discipline

If you are going to become successful in changing your life, you will need to develop the discipline to commit to changing your life for the better in the long run. 

If you have been smoking, you should be working on the discipline that will help you quit smoking. You can do this by reducing the number of cigarettes that you do smoke in a day. 

If you have plans to quit drinking alcohol, you will need to commit to reducing the number of bottles that you do take in a day and in the long run, you will be able to quit alcohol for good.

7. You should discover the why for your life

If you want to change your life in the next few months, you will need to know why you deserve to live and why your life is so important. In simple terms, you will need to have the purpose for your existence on earth. 

When you are able to discover your life purpose, this will push you to achieving your goals. If you do not know the reason why you do exist, it will be difficult for you to move forward in life.

 You will need to know the things that you do value in life and also you will need to know what to do in order to get to the most important goals in your life.

 In order for you to be able to know your why, you will need to start somewhere; step by step you will one day discover your reason for your existence.

8.  You should forget about what other people do think about you

If you are going to succeed in changing your life, you should forget about what other people are saying and instead focus on things that can improve your life. People will always keep talking whether you become poor and become rich, they will never stop.

 You should just get used to them and instead focus your energies on things that will improve your life and change it for the better.
