We have seen very many lives change for the better and sometimes we do wonder how a person moves from extreme poverty to being rich and then being wealthy in a short period of time. 

Image result for pictures of a happy man
Iam not talking about gambling or betting so that you can get there very fast but Iam talking about honest work that can be appreciated by all who love people that work hard to earn a living.

 If you take the wisdom that I will provide you with today here, you will be able to achieve your life goals and you will be able to ultimately improve your life and also completely transform it.  

Here are some tips on how you can dramatically and surprisingly improve and completely transform your life.

1. You should ensure that you do something that is crazy

One crazy thing that you can do is to write down your fears and then you should also commit to overcoming each of those fears that are holding you back from being successful.

 If you are afraid of speaking in front of a crowd of people, then this is the time to take the chance to overcome that fear. 

You can start by speaking in front of small crowds and before you know it you will get used to the small crowds and then it will be very easy for you to handle the big crowds. 

Tackling the first fear in your life will give you the courage to move on and conquer all the other fears that are holding you back from success and you will be able to face your fears without anything holding you back. 

We all have something that we have always wanted to do in our life, that dream. 

It could be writing a book, becoming a music artist or starting that business but there are always things that are holding us back. 

The best thing you can do is to overcome that fear, that thing that is holding you back from achieving that goal that you have always dreamt of achieving.  

If you do that, you are on the right path to success. You should not let any excuse stop you from pursuing your goals.

2. Avoid over thinking and start doing

If you truly want to be successful, you should stop over thinking and start taking action towards your desired goals.  

If you want to achieve something you should just start by doing instead of over thinking.

 Sometimes we take a lot of time thinking and some people even wait for permission to start doing something that they do love and in the end they find that they have wasted a lot of their time. 

You should remember that while you are thinking about an idea, another person might decide to launch your idea. 

Many people out there have ideas that they would love to launch but they have been held back by some of these things, waiting for permission, seeking for perfection, waiting for the right moment and also planning instead of doing. 

You should forget about excuses and instead start executing your goals. If you want to improve your life, you should start executing your goals instead of thinking about your goals for years.

3. You should look for some quick wins around you

If you do have a feeling that your life is improving and you are moving forward in life, you will more likely be able to have the courage to work hard in order to achieve your goals. 

When you do feel that you are succeeding in life, you will more likely build your inner motivation to help you become very successful in life. 

The only way that you can gain some quick boost in your motivation is to be able to identify some quick wins. 

This could be something as simple as writing your first article if you are blogging or writing your first chapter if you are working on a book or making your first sale after starting your business. 

You should think about one quick win that you can execute and then you can continue taking action each and every day that can help you in achieving the goal that you want to achieve.

4. You should start the habit of consuming less and investing more in yourself

If you truly want to improve your life, you will need to start the habit of investing more in yourself and also your future. 

You should reduce your consumption rate or the amount of money that you do spend on yourself. There are very many people out there who are consuming and buying things that they do not need. 

This leaves them with very many of them with little resources that they can invest and help them grow. 

If you want to change your life, you must change your spending habits from consuming products and instead you should start investing in the growth and materialisation of your goals.  If you want to improve your life, you must invest.

5. You find a means of sharing your thoughts with others

If you want to improve the circumstances in your life, you will need to be able to share your ideas with others in different ways. 

You could use some online platforms to help you in sharing your ideas.  You use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Linked in and others to help you share your thoughts with others out there. 

You could also start a blog that you could use to share your knowledge and thoughts with people. When you share your thoughts online, you will be able to attract people who have similar thoughts like yours and with time you will be able to build a following. 

When you share your thoughts, you will be able to pull the things that you have always wanted towards you because the people who believe in you will be closer to you and will identify with you.

6. You should ensure that you diversify your sources of income

One thing you should do in order to ensure that you can become financially independent and also gain your financial freedom is to diversify your income. Here some of the reasons why you should diversify your income.

 The risk of you losing your job will be less painful compared to if you don’t diversify your income; you will also have money that you can invest in your education and some growth, diversifying your income will make it very easy for you to change your career. 

When you are able to diversify your income, you will start earning some passive income and also you start earning money while you are sleeping.

7. Start reading books that can change your life

Reading is one of the most important habits of successful people and one reason why successful people become successful is simply because they keep seeking for knowledge that can change their life. 

So if you are out there and you truly want to become successful, you will need to start reading some good books. 

Some of the books that I have read about financial security are The Richest Man in Babylon, Rich DadPoorDad, Think and Grow Rich written by Napoleon Hill.
