Galileo Galilei was a great Italian scientist who made significant
contributions to the science of
astronomy, motion and he also helped in improving the telescope so that it
would make it easier to study the universe and the things that were found in
the universe like the planets and the stars.

He was the first man to suggest
that the planets moved and rotated around the sun.
Here are some of the most
inspirational quotes from this great scientist.
1. We cannot teach people anything, we can only help them to discover it
within themselves.
2. All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered, the point
is to discover them.
3. When the senses fail us, reasoning must step in.
4. Measure what is measurable and make measurable what cannot be measured.
5. Who can set a limit to the mind of a man? Who believes that we know
all that is out there to be known?
6. The greatest wisdom is to get to know oneself.
7. Two truths can never contradict each other.
8. To be a human being we must be ready to pronounce that wise and modest statement that says “I do not
9. The Bible shows the way to heaven, not the way heaven goes.
10. There are people out there who reason well but the sad thing is that
they are outnumbered by those who do
reason badly.
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