Anxiety is one of the top weaknesses of human beings and it will make very many people actually give up on their goals and even life in general. 

If you have ever gone through the world of anxiety or even lived with anxiety you will know what Iam actually talking about and will wish to actually find a solution to this problem as soon as you actually can. 

According to one writer who is called Alan Watts, life and reality do not belong to a human being unless that human is willing to accord these two things to other humans out in the world. In a book that was written by Thomas Nagel, the other beings in this world experience the world will live in a different way from the way we actually do. 

There are very many ways of being human and we as humans do experience life and reality in different ways  through the sense of sight but all this changes drastically when our mental capabilities are challenged by some form of illness. 

This will affect our consciousness as human beings and life in general.

 If we are to live as conscious beings we should be able to break from any form of anxiety especially that all consuming and elusive feeling that grabs us by our  mental ways of thinking.

 If we can feel at home in our own bodies and break free from anxiety we shall live the life we wished to have lived.

Some times you live outside your body and just in your thoughts yet you are actually flesh and blood.  Some times you live in the future and forget that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow. 

That is what we call anxiety. Sometimes you will ask yourself whether you should be an exact copy of someone else or it is better to be yourself. If you become someone else, you are not living your life and anxiety is actually consuming you bit by bit. 

When does anxiety start, it starts before we are born and it just keeps growing as human beings also do grow. If not attended to it will ruin us.

 Anxiety in the long run will cause depression, pains in our lives, people will not leave bad relationships, people will fear applying for obs, people will not ask for a promotion at work, that’s the job of anxiety. 

Some people suffer from panic attacks as a result of anxiety. If you cannot point to anything as the cause of anxiety, then it is invisible. 

Anxiety will trap you like a cult leader and it will tell you that you are the only one that it sees. So how does a human being get out of anxiety? 

Well, according to one writer called  Nikki Giovani, if you don’t understand yourself, you don’t understand anybody else. 

We can only teach people what we understand so the best way to beat anxiety is to first discover yourself, in terms of who you really are, your confidence, skills and other attributes that you do possese.
