In one of the greatest commencement speeches that has ever been given,
Debbie Millman said that if you imagine less, less will be what you undoubtedly

She continued her speech by saying that do what you love and do not
stop until you get what you love.
Work as hard as you can. This kind of thinking
is actually what modern psychology believes our own beliefs in our abilities
and potentials will help shape our
behaviour and also help predict our success.
According to Stanford psychologist
Carol Dweck who carried out some research on the power of our beliefs which are
both conscious and unconscious, believes that changing the simplest things in
our lives can have very big effects on our lives.
Carol Dweck realised that one
of the critical things about us is how we carry ourselves around and
what we actually take to be our personality.
She suggests that there are
actually two kinds of mindsets that
every human being possesses. There is
the fixed mindset and the growth mindset.
A person with a fixed mindset will
always think about proving to others how
intelligent or knowledgeable he is. With a fixed mindset, you will assume you
have already arrived and need no more growth.
If you have a growth mindset, you
will not mind about making mistakes and trying new things.
This mindset
believes in new opportunities to learn more and improve your skills and become
better each and everyday.
This kind of mindset has been adopted by the best
creative people in our society. If we can embrace growth mindsets and dump
fixed mindsets, we can become the better versions of ourselves.
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