According to one poet called Mary Oliver, the most regrettable people on
earth are those who felt the call to do creative work and also were able to
feel their own creative power rising but
they did not give that feeling the time or the power.

According to Rainer Maria
Rilke, works of art are an infinite way of loneliness where you gain and reach
nothing except the criticism of art itself
and it is only the power of love that can grasp and continue holding on
to the works of art and this love will
in the long run spread into our lives and the lives of others making us better
human beings.
Rainer Maria Rilke was also another great poet who lived in the
period between 1875- 1926, who was giving out wisdom to a young aspiring artist
on art and life, the young poet was called Frank Xaver Kappus.
He said that
being artist means ripening like a tree which doesnot force it’s sap and stands
confident in the storm without any fear and after storm summer will come.

summer will come and will only come to the patient who are there like as if
they are living in eternity.
You should learn it daily, learn it with pain and
you should be grateful for it because patience is everything that most men will
always ignore.
Every great artist and scientist does believe in the power of patience and it’s nature of time and discipline.
These things make us
better humans in the long run if we are able to obey their rules and live by
them. Lastly, there is no place which is
more intimate than the spirit alone.
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