There is nobody who is living on earth who actually plans to be a failure at the end of his life. 

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That said, everyone wants to be very successful and also everyone wants to enjoy their life to the fullest.

 I do believe one of the biggest reasons why most youths fail to achieve their goals in life is that they lack mentorship and especially in Uganda here today we do not very good role models that we can actually look up to. 

We are always asking ourselves who we should follow or imitate given the fact that some of the people we would actually love to admire are not doing the right things. Some are weed smokers while others are drunkards while the rest are just lazy.

 Today I want to talk about some of the success tips that youths in Uganda and the whole of East Africa can follow to help them achieve success more than they actually dreamed of.

 Develop the curiosity for acquiring new skills

In Uganda today, there are so many people who have graduated with degrees and diplomas all in their hands and are all out there waiting for the white collar jobs that they have all been dreaming about and hope that they will actually get.

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  So when we have a very large number of people who are qualified and well educated, how then do we separate the people who are the most qualified for a job from the ones that do not actually qualify to work at a company?

 To the best of my knowledge, the employers will most likely be looking at the skills that the candidates have.  Truth be told, every business or company needs people who can help add value to their customers.

 They are not so much interested in your grades at school but more interested in what you can actually offer.  So if you are recent graduate out there, the best place you can start building your career is by acquiring some skills that will help separate you from other candidates. 

For example, if you are interested in computers, you can start learning some programming languages depending on your interests. If you love building websites you can take on some web design programs like HTML/CSS, JavaScript or even php. 

You just never know where these skills might actually lead you to in the near future.  If you are interested in writing, well you can start a blog and you may just end up building a media company online.

Make sure you are flexible

Avoid being rigid and only focusing on what you actually studied at school this will help you beat competition if you have another thing that you know how to do and her actually good at apart from what you actually studied at the university.

 In a situation where all of you are in front of the interview panel and you all have the same qualifications, the people who are interviewing you will most likely look for something that will separate the candidates and just may be knowing another language apart from English might give you an edge from the other candidates and land you your dream job.

 So always endeavour to be different from the rest in order to increase your chances of success in life.

Your background should not be a setback for you in life

In most cases when a person is born in a poor family, this person will most likely be told that he is already a failure in life and can never succeed again in life. To me, this type of believe is wrong. 

Your past should never determine your future. You can be born and grow up in a poor family but you still end up becoming rich.

  Ugandan youths should know that your destiny actually belongs in your own hands and if you are willing to move forward and achieve your goals, you will always find out away to do that. Besides, there are very many rich people in Uganda who actually were born poor. 

You can pick a leaf from the likes of John Sebalaamu or even our current President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. If these people can break the yokes of poverty and become successful, so can we.

Review your life

It is always a good habit to sit back and look at our lives.  This helps us to check how far we have gone with the achievement of our goals and what we intend to do next if we are able to achieve them. 

Sometimes, the world gets too busy and you cannot sit down and focus on what you actually want to achieve in life. 

If you can get a few minutes of your time during the day and sit in quiet place and reflect upon your life every day, think about your goals and what you want to become of achieve in your life, you will become a better human being in the long run.

Better to think long term than chase short term benefits

In Uganda today, the biggest business that you can set up is a betting company simply because there are very many Ugandan youths who are obsessed with getting large sums of money in the shortest period of time as possible. 

This is actually a very wrong mentality for someone who wants to become successful in the long run in life.  Success in life is marathon not a sprint. 

If you truly want to become very successful, start working on something that will pay you for your hard work and persistence but not just for your luck or chance. 

In this modern day of social media, we have been obsessed with the Hollywood phenomena of quick gains in life. 

The most successful people have practiced their craft for decades and that’s why they have always remained successful. 

If you truly want to be successful, chase hard work and persistence and forget about the luck that will help you win a lottery. To our success in life!
