By Matata Mercy

When I was still a kid, all I wanted was to be free. 

Imagecredit:Unsplash-Let the bird free..

I wanted to have the freedom to do anything that I desired and also I wanted to go anywhere wherever I desired at any time I wanted. 

That was the grand definition of my interpretation of the word freedom.

But after growing up, I later realized that my definition of freedom was actually wrong. 

Truth betold, the idea of freedom brings a lot of emotions to life in the forms of independence,liberation and also the ability to live life on your own terms.

 But during the daily struggles, it can be easy to take this  precious concept of freedom for granted. 

So, how can we consciously grow and nature this important concept in our lives?

 Today, I will share with you some interesting ways in which you can practice the act of freedom and also be able to enjoy it's power.

1.Being aware of freedom is important.

The first step to freedom is to be able to recognize the choices that we do have whether these choices are small or big. 

We always react to situations on autopilot as a result of societal expectations or habits that have been planted into us. 

We should always take some moments each and everyday to become aware of the decisions that we are making. 

Are you grabbing takeout simply because it is easy to get rather than cooking a healthy meal at home? 

Do you wear the same clothes everyday because it is comfortable or do you have the freedom to express yourself through fashion?

2.Embrace the small choices.

Do not underestimate the power of choices that look insignificant.

 Small choices like choosing a new route to work or choosing to read a book instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media will build muscles for our free will.

3.Challenge your limiting beliefs.

We always do have internal narratives that are holding us baรงk. 

We should be able to identify the thoughts that are telling us that we can't or that we are not worth it. 

We should be in position to challenge these thoughts and replace them with empowering affirmations.

4.Endevour to step outside your comfort zone.

One thing I learnt is that growth happens outside of our comfort zones. 

The ways in which we can embrace this growth is by trying out new activities, expressing different opinions and also taking  new lonely  paths. 

We should embrace the discomfort when trying out new things since it will help us expand our horizons and also exercise our freedom.

5.Responsibility is freedom's partner.

Freedom is not about doing whatever you want without any consequence the way I initially thought as a kid. 

True freedom comes with the understanding that your choices have an impact. 

Consider the potential outcomes before you act, and be responsible for the path you choose.

6.Always celebrate your freedom.

Take time to appreciate your freedom especially the ones that you have whether big or small.

 If you managed to conquer that fear and speak up in a meeting, it is worth celebrating. 

Do you choose to spend  some quality time with your loved one? 

If so, celebrate and acknowledge these moments of self expression  and empowerment. 

Finally, remember freedom is a journey  and not a destination. 

There will be times when external forces restrict your choices. 

But all in all, by consistently practicing the art of free will, you are strengthening your ability to navigate through the challenges in life and also be able to create a life that represents your authentic self. 

Good luck.๐ŸคŸ๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ’ช
