By Matata Mercy

Recently on New years eve, I was hanging out with a group of friends at a certain restaurant and we were waiting for the clock to tick to midnight. 

Imagecredit: Free library.

As we waited to be ushered into the new year by fireworks, one friend of mine started asking each one of us  what their plans were for the new year. 

This is what is commonly called the new year resolutions. 

Another close friend of mine with whom we enjoyed the last day of 2023 later revealed to us that he  was warming up to join the world of politics. 

It was like as if he just opened a can of worms from the reaction that he got.

 After being told that politics is a dirty game, he had to find out if what he actually desired to venture into was truly a dirty game. 

In my quest to convince him that politics was not a dirty game, I decided to outline the reasons why politics is not a dirty game.

 In truth, politics is a good game but the participants are the ones that play the bad game. 

Those politicians that play the bad games make politics to look like a dirty game.

 Today, I would like to share with you the behaviours of bad politicians. 

Without much ado, this is how the intruders in politics that I call bad politicians behave:-

1.They do not accept the will of the people.

In the modern world, countries that practice democracy are held high and these countries usually are looked at as great examples for stability of other nations around the world.

 Recently, the democracy of the United States which has existed for about 200 years was tested heavily by a leader that was not abiding by the rules, bending them as he was wishes. 

 This man who is currently out of the oval office called President Donald Trump shocked the world when he sent his supporters  and they stormed the building called Capitol Hill in the United States and attempted to change the results of the election in his favor. 

But unfortunately they couldn't, democracy won the battle and the will of the people took over and the people spoke strongly through the then vice president Mike Pence.

 Donald Trump is a clear example of a bad politicians who tries to bend the rules in his favor. 

The January 6th incident is a clear manifestation of that.

2.Bad politicians intimidate their opponents.

When we see armed members of the army manning politically tense areas and rival politicians being arrested and thrown into the prisons,then we know the kind of politicians we are dealing with.

 In real democracy, it is the ideas that each candidate brings to the table to help their nation that rules.

 Not the military power or the tear gas canisters that are available.

 Bad politicians intimidate their opponents because they are afraid of the ballot and they do not have any serious ideas or contributions that they can make to change society for the better.

So any politician who intimidates or threatens his opponents is in simple terms a bad politicians.

3.Bad politicians bend the rules in their favour and against their opponents.

Ladies and gentlemen, fellow colleagues when you see a politician bending the rules in his favor or against his opponents, then you know that you are dealing with a bad politician.

Re instating term limits or in other cases removing term limits or playing around with age limit in their favor is a clear example.

 In short, when a politician is playing around with the clearly set rules that everyone is supposed to obey, then know that you are dealing with a bad politician. 

I hope these tips will help you to recognize the politicians that are in it for their own benefit it could be financially or just getting fame.

Good luck.😵‍💫😵‍💫
