By Matata Mercy

Have you ever bought something that you did not actually want to buy but you found yourself buying it. 

If you have, then you are not alone it has happened to me. 

If you do not know what actually happened to you, let me tell you without lies that your desires have been manipulated and have been convinced to buy that stuff that you did not apparently want. 

In this social media age where we have many adverts running in front of us, we are bound to buy things that we do not need. 

The ultimate question now should be, why do they  buy things that they do not need?

 One sole reason why people end  up buying things that they do not need is the desire to impress the people around them.

 People end up buying more cars yet they already have three others at home, they buy the latest phones yet the ones in their hands is good enough. 

They buy new clothes yet their wardrobes are filled with clothes that they have never put on. 

Most times, the people we are trying to impress are actually those that we do not like. 

Another fundamental question would be why would we try to impress the people that we do not like? 

I suppose one reason would be to show these people that we are better than them and that the life that we are living is far much better than theirs. 

Since people are looking for happiness and contentment in their lives.

 Most people believe that buying more things will bring happiness in their lives.

 They  buy new clothes thinking that it will make them confident and happy. 

But the excitement is short lived, after a few weeks they feel they need another new piece of cloth. 

Some people will buy new cars thinking that it will do the magic of happiness. 

But after they have cruised the brand new car for a few months, the excitement disappears and they are back to their original state of unhappiness. 

The truth is that they are seeking for happiness in the wrong places.  

It reminds me of the statement of the angel that the women met at the tomb where Jesus was buried.

 He said: Why do you seek for the living among the dead? 

Happiness cannot be found in our possessions like cars, phones, clothes, or where we live. 

But I do believe happiness is found within each one of us. 

It is inside us where there is a sense of a peace of mind. 

Another reason why we end  up buying the things that we do not need is comparing ourselves to other people. 

We want to be like the Jonasses.

 Just because our neighbour has bought  a brand  new car, we want to own one.

 We might not be earning as much as our neighbour does.

 As a result we end up spending more money than we have just because we want to have what our neighbour has.

 In this modern age, advertisers are not just selling us products but they promise to give us more.

 They promise a better body when you buy the products. 

They promise better health, They will promise you happiness if you can just spend more. 

How do we overcome these desires and manipulation? There is only one solution to this and that is minimalism. 

Embrace minimalism, buy only the things that you need and you will avoid getting in debt. 

You will find peace and contentment. Good luck.


