By Matata Mercy

 Have you ever looked at a woman and wished that you could actually have her number in your phone? 

If you are a man out there and this has happened to you, you are not alone.I have been in this situation before. 

So how do you go about asking for her number and then this woman actually giving you her number. 

Today, I would like to share with you some thoughts and tips on how you can successfully be able to get that beautiful woman's number. 

Since in this world you will always get what you ask for. 

Here are the tips that will help you to get that beautiful woman's number.

1.Never ask for her number directly.

When you directly ask  a woman for her number, she will most likely refuse to give you her number. 

This clearly  shows that she is of a higher value. 

If you ask her:  Can you give me your number? 

She will most likely say no because you now perceive her to have more value than you. 

If you are to get her number in your hands,avoid asking for it directly.

2.Wait for the right time to ask for the number.

If you want to get a woman's number, do not ask for it as soon as you see her and not even at the end of the conversation. 

The right time to grab that number would mean just after you have cracked a joke and she is laughing. 

Then you can playfully tell her, get me that number you will not regret it. 

She will surely hand you that desired number.

3.Get to know her first.

Truth be told, it will be easier for a woman who knows you very well to give you her number than a woman whom you have just met. 

So when you meet this beautiful woman, first ensure that you get to know her well.

 Ask about her interests, desires and her aspirations. 

And when she has opened up to you and you have also opened up to her and she knows something about you,  I assure you she will easily give you her number.

4. Do not persist if she refuses.

What if this woman whom you truly desire refuses to give you her number?

 What do you do? 

I would kindly ask you to leave her alone and try other women. 

Am very sure, you will get numbers from other women out there if you keep putting effort by just approaching more women frequently. 

Getting numbers from women can be a hustle but now I hope you have got some tips now. 

I wish you Good luck.
