By Matata Mercy

It is a true desire for each and everyone of us to be at his or her best in each and everything that we do. 

But  what does it take to be at our best? 

Today, I will share with you some tips on how to be at your best.

1.Drink water.

One habit that will keep you at your best each and everyday is to ensure that you drink enough water each and everyday. 

Drinking water hydrates your body and keeps you alert and focused  on the tasks that you want to accomplish.

2.Practice yoga

One habit that you can develop in your daily routine to keep at your best is called practicing yoga. 

Trying out the different yoga poses will help in stretching your body muscles.

 It will also wake you up from the sleep or even help you keep fit.

3.Carry out meditation

Another great habit that you can develop in your life is meditation. Sitting on the floor or on mat, wrapping your legs together and then placing close to each other.

With your eyes closed, you can stay  in that quiet moment and let your  mind settle and  be cleared of all the distractions that always surround us in this chaotic  world.

4.Take  long walks.

When you take walks, you will be able to relax your mind and also clear your mind of the distractions around you.

Walking is also a form of exercise that is good for your heart. 

This will make you feel good in your own body. 

I hope these tips will help you to be at your best each and everyday. 

Good luck.
